Rockin s snaffle? info anyone??


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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Hi all,

Has anyone had any experience with this bit? or know anything about it? I have a very head strong mare who has quite a hard mouth, she is very hard to stop or slow down at times and also tends to nap out hacking. She tends to spin round and trot home and i can do b*gger all to stop her -its like she doesnt even feel the bit in her mouth. Shes currently in a french link but i would be very reluctant to put her in anything too strong as i feel this would harden her mouth up more. I wonder if this bit might be helpful?....


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
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I have a rockin S (the frenchlink ported one) and I love it but i'm not sure its going to solve your problem, the rocking S in generally useful for horses that are fussy in the mouth as it sits very still and gives very direct signals.

What noseband is she in? Also what rings on the current french link? I take it everythings been checked, teeth, saddle, back etc..
What is she eating? Could she be reacting to her food?

You say you can't stop her, can you turn her? maybe something with cheeks?
Its much better to use a stronger bit with gentler hands than have to haul on a 'mild' bit.

The other thing I quite like is the myler combo, it spreads the pressure onto the nose too, i've found it very useful.