Whats the difference between a huntsmaster/whipper-in etc.....and are there women whipper-ins+ huntsmasters? And if so with what hunts...and how woudl you go about becoming one....
A master is the 'head' of the hunt, there may be one or more, and they have many roles, including overseeing running of the hunt, putting money/horses in to it, liasing with farmers etc and the fieldmaster is the one who leads the field on hunt days. They aren't paid for their role.
A huntsman is in charge of the hounds, hunting them, overseeing their care and breeding them. A hunt master may also be the huntsman, but not always. A professional huntsman who isn't a master is paid for their work and is called a kennel huntsman (as they have full care of the hounds day to day).
A whipper-in is someone who helps the huntsman on hunt days. They can be ameteur or professional. Some are also kennelmen, so look after the hounds and the flesh rounds.
Kennelmen look after the hounds and flesh rounds/incinerator if the hunt has one.
All positions can be done by women, though I don't know of any professional huntsman (but there may well be some) or kennelmen (I use the term 'men' to mean men and women!!). I know of quite a few lady masters and female whippers in though.
There is a lady Master hunting the Easton Harrier hounds as their Huntsman broke his back early on.
Elaine Barker is the only lady hunting a pack of Foxhounds (the Staffordshire Moorland Foxhounds). Though next season Claire Bellamy will hunt the Spooner's and West Dartmoor.
Rachel Green was a rare female professional huntsman with the Monmouthshire. And most famously Betty Gingell hunted the Cambridgeshire Harriers for many years.
There are many amateur woman whipper-ins.
At our hunt there are 2 female whips (amatuers) & also a female Kennelmaid (man!).
A Proffesional Huntsman is just called that, he is not a Kennel Huntsman. KH's are usually in packs where one of the masters hunts hounds yet they may have to fill in sometimes when they can not hunt hounds themself.
Amateurs are not paid for their services where as proffesionals are. As in the name says they are Proffesionals at their job!