Ok haven't got long as I am perched on a window ledge with mobile and flaptop to get my fix of hho
.....and have to go and socialise with people in a bit at a BBQ
- as if foalcam isn't more important
......still at least there will be plenty of wine to numb the pain of talking to the unenlightened......
Ok so my bet for tonight is.....
30k on a COLT tonight and 10k on the midwife being in tight rubber pink hotpants with purple pimped wellies with extra spangles.....oh and around 10 .36pm
Have a lovely time at the BBQ, you haven't missed much here, Eclipse is leading us a merry dance!!
I hope that George isn't with you though...I was seriously worried you'd run off with him and not told us!!!! Remember, those sort of items are not allowed on company expenses!!!
- will be back as soon as I can get away with it....
Have my fingers crossed for S_V - hope its good news and big hugs for anything else - actually she can have big hug anyway.
Please can someone post the foalcam link for me for when I come back - can't find it but think its due to connecting through my mobile
O have got a load of very yummy flapjacks for anyone who wants - have apricots and raisins and seed and stuff in - would be healthy if is wasn't for the sugar and honey.....
Nice to see that Slinky is dedicated despite being away from home! Try tying the phone to a coat hanger for a better signal...
Seaview is there news of the poorly one?
FS- dont fret, I have George here shut in the cupboard ready for someone to win...
Samstar- I have a confession to make! I had to eat cornish clotted cream yesterday- it was all they had in the shop....
Darcy- How is your eye today? Did you get some arnica? It does work wonders...
She is gonna have it tonite so no odds, but we can obviously do the time thing for the George prize, some of Slinkys flapjack and some apple crumble wioth homemade custard....
Mr Rollestone- (now apparently over Manflu) in the lemon mankini with pink fluffy wellies, Deni boppers and if its cold crutless pink pvc shorts. All under a light blue mac..