There is no Rollestone Saturday, just an empty stable... I can feel the shakes coming already... Ive found the number of the local hospital, men in white coats-stand by for numerous phone calls......
arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh there is something glaring and is making me feel queasy....................... oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its walking towards me....................... *screams* I'm being dragged away by a ghostly figure, HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!its the white coat man.
OOOO taking me to exeter physch unit, mmmm not far from rollestone.* I relax*
I'm writing this from a tiny room somewhere. It's very small, and extremely difficult to reach the keys of the pooter as, for some reason, someone has put this odd jacket on me!!
The person who slides the tray under the door has said, that when I stop babbling about foals and muttering weird names, they will reassess the situation.
Last night, when I was physically removed to this room, I did bang my head, but, funnily enough it didn't hurt, as the walls are padded!!!
Apparently, with lots of talking and good care and attention, this condition can be contained, unfortunately, it has an annual cycle, so, it can reappear!!!!!
Hope you are all well, and living in a cell near me!!!!
Morning all. I missed last nite, was entertaining. Dont fret guys, we have to stay strong, we are a team and no-one can break us! Jsut a week or so and another one will be coming in for foaling... (dont focus on the fact that there is only one after that) We can find something else to watch via a webcam
Oh lucky you!!! You're being let out for a whole hour!!!!
Therapist said they couldn't let me out yet, as during the therapy session I apparently kept staring at the computer screen!!!! Untill I can drag my eyes away they said they'd prefer me to just sit quietly in here!!!!
ARGGHHH those pesky guards, said they were letting me out, but instead they made me sit in a locked car for 3 hours and said I had to give marks from 1-10 to every horse I saw in the odd looking box thing in front of me... what was all that about, nothing in labour, no midwife in shorts... quite quite odd!!
Back in my little cell now, feeling better but still getting double vision, the sweating has stopped now tho, but the dribbling and shaking is worse......oooooo I can hear someone singing and digging... I'll start a tunnel from my cell, maybe we can meet in the middle..
I'll shout Hils, so that you can dig towards the sound!!!!
Don't give up, we'll get out of here!!!! You poor thing! You've been tortured for your belief! How horrible!!! There is a Rollestone place for all of us!!!
P.S. Tell the therapist, that you don't "do" horses, foals or midwives in funny costumes, and you don't know what cam means!!!! They're easier on you then!!!
Did you enjoy the ryvita with cheese slices and smarties on top??!!!!