Well-Known Member
If you don't already know, and have an ex-racer registered with the RoR, then there is a social get-together in Newmarket on Thursday 18th December 7pm-9pm at Newmarket Equine Hospital, Cambridge Road, Newmarket, Suffolk. Admission is free and includes wine and mince pies BUT we do need to know that you're coming and need your RoR number when booking in. We do hope that you will bring cash with you on the evening to buy raffle tickets for some RoR goodies and other things, money to be refunded to the charity to reimburse costs incurred. This is your chance to hear from Regional Coordinators what is happening both locally and nationally; tell them what you would like to have in the way of lessons, tours, etc etc and then your chance to socialise with other owners of ex-racers. If you want to go, then email your coordinator at or go through the RoR official website for the Eastern Region for details.