RSPCA Ramsgate Port

Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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the factual and accurate article, which you've kindly quoted, came as a surprise to me, as I thought that I was now immune to the stupidity of those who place themselves in the position of pseudo authority, but I'm not.

I still fail to understand why the AHVLA, who are genuine government officials, allowed the rspca to dictate the procedures which were to be followed, when even a fool could see the likely outcome.

I find it equally staggering that as the rspca, who it should be born in mind, had absolutely no authority, refused the humane slaughter of one animal, because it was in the company of others, and because of their resultant incompetence and ignorance, brought about the deaths, by drowning and other events, of how many further sheep?

The most laughable and disgraceful claim by the rspca are that their actions were a success. :D

There are those on this forum who defend the rspca, and in a vociferous manner. I wonder where they are now, and from where they are going to find any further claim.


Ets, I've stood away from this thread for 3 days, in the hope that Mommin and her chums would be able to explain away the actions of their charity. It's strangely silent. a.


Well-Known Member
6 May 2008
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Shocking. I actually think the RSPCA are getting worse. And before any of their fans tell me I'm just jumping on the 'anti' bandwagon, I've had dealings with them over a dog I adopted, a wildlife incident, and the worst thing of all, I saw them walk away from an old, Cushings pony who was like a toast rack in a fur coat and so laminitic he couldn't stand. He wasn't receiving any treatment, but he was fine because he had food, water and a nice stable. Any tiny shred of respect I had for them went that day.

How did they get to have so much influence? They're only a bloody charity!