RSPCA vs Skipper: the truth


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27 October 2005
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People following threads about this topic will have been wondering why I have not come on here to defend myself. The reason is simple: while the case was ongoing it would have been improper for me to make statements about it (not that any such impropriety stops the RSPCA, who have been feeding the press with misinformation, distortions and inaccuracies). That, together with illness caused by all the stress of the trial and its aftermath (not to mention over a week with no internet access), has meant that this is the first real opportunity I have had to tell our side of the story.

We have been vilified in the press by means of biased, inaccurate and misleading reporting of our case. Of course, many people believe what they read in the press. I have made a complaint to the Press Complaints Commission, because such reporting is in breach of their Editors’ Code of Practice. Apart from one reference to our friend Stuart, who by his own admission knows little about horses, I have been able to find no mention in the press (perhaps someone can enlighten me if they have seen such a mention) of other witnesses on our side, for example, of our expert witness, Colin Vogel, our vet, Graham Russ, or our farrier, Neil Jackson, yet all these people gave evidence in our defence (Graham Russ and Neil Jackson have attended to our horses regularly for the past 22 years). Why, then, has their evidence not been reported? There is only one reason: bias. This is a form of trial by media which ignores the most basic principle of British law – the presumption of innocence.

In order to keep this brief, I have posted my statement on one of my websites. Anyone interested in the truth rather than misinformation, distortions and outright lies, please click on the link below.


Well-Known Member
4 October 2004
West Yorkshire
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You have been to trial and found guilty... Your defence in a court has been described as vague and misleading.
You can make excuses all you like, but the bottom line is you had 4 horses in your care that were suffering, and you failed to take appropriate action.
It took intervention - that was clearly too late, before anything was done.
It is shameful and sad that your horses suffered in this way, and thank god they are in a better place and taken out of your hands.
I personally have no sympathy for you... There is NO excuse or explantion for your neglect, and on this occasion full respect to the RSPCA for bringing this prosecution.
For the courts to ban you for life, goes to show how much suffering you allowed - even worse, as you are an author professing your expertise, so you knew exactly how bad this situation was. How do you sleep at night?


Well-Known Member
29 November 2007
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Im no fan (big time) of the RSPCAs sometimes dubious activities; BUT it is very rare (sadly too rare) for lifetime bans to be imposed by the courts, it's all too often way too little.

So I can only conclude from the fact a lifetime ban was imposed by the court in this place that the neglect must have been on the more extreme scale.

On that basis, I'm afraid I dont have much sympathy.


Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
Near Leeds
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I have just looked this up.

I'm afraid the press statement says that in JUNE the excuse for bedding so deep the horses were nearly on the roof was "the -20 degrees weather.

Unless my memory has failed me completely the bad weather was in JANUARY

Did your area also have a big freeze in June :confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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You where found guilty in a court , the court took the desision not the RSPCA if you think the judicial process was flawed in some way seek to appeal.


17 September 2012
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So you are saying that you think the justice system in this country of ours is wrong???

You were tried and found guilty of neglect.

The pictures say it all really dont they.


New User
16 October 2012
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Simple: If you think you're innocent you should appeal. You're not doing yourself any favours by coming on here complaining.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Mmm the defence 'experts' have previously defended serious neglect cases before too, saying that nothing was wrong!:rolleyes:

The Fuzzy Furry

🦄 🦄
24 November 2010
Pootling around......
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I'm going to button push :mad:
Fairy land springs to mind with the 'piece' you have written - facts to suit yourself - as you will very well know if you took the time to recall correctly the timeline of events; the condition of the animals when they were removed & not the complete fabrication that you have conveniently produced to portay yourself as the wounded party.



Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
I'm going to button push :mad:
Fairy land springs to mind with the 'piece' you have written - facts to suit yourself - as you will very well know if you took the time to recall correctly the timeline of events; the condition of the animals when they were removed & not the complete fabrication that you have conveniently produced to portay yourself as the wounded party.


No, please don't push. It'll be 'interesting' to see how they squirm under an HHO attack and how much lower they can go by denying they did nothing wrong ' but they didn't do anything right either.

To OP, hang your head in shame, you're a disgrace to the equestrian community.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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So that stable with three feet of litter in it isn't yours, OP?? When was the last time that horse came out of that stable before the RSPCA arrived?

Can't say I'm a fan of the RSPCA, IMO they prefer to stick easy targets, but in this case I have to agree, I would have banned you too, particularly as you have set yourself up as an 'expert'. Disgusting.


Well-Known Member
25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
You where found guilty in a court , the court took the desision not the RSPCA if you think the judicial process was flawed in some way seek to appeal.

The facts seem quite clear - but one DOES have to say that Magistrates' Courts inevitably find for the RSPCA and many cases it has brought HAVE had the decisions overturned on Appeal (one classic was the 'horse on a gate' case which was inspired by a desire to prosecute an MFH!)

IF the OP believes she was wrongly treated, a successful Appeal would be the way to go. Otherwise, she stands convicted as charged.


Well-Known Member
21 July 2006
Herefordshire and Powys
Out of the whole thing the arguement of being too ill to care for the horses is the one that just doesn't sit well with me. If you are that ill you get in someone who can cover for you and who will care for the horses, or you just get on with it. I'm no spring chicken either and I know the aches and pains but you take them on and you care for them, and I know plenty of others who care day in and day out whatever the weather and whatever their health yet devote themselves to the care of their horses.
The bottom line are the photo's of the horses in their plight and that help was just a call away. Appeal and if you are successful I guess we'll all eat crow pie.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Out of the whole thing the arguement of being too ill to care for the horses is the one that just doesn't sit well with me. If you are that ill you get in someone who can cover for you and who will care for the horses, or you just get on with it. I'm no spring chicken either and I know the aches and pains but you take them on and you care for them, and I know plenty of others who care day in and day out whatever the weather and whatever their health yet devote themselves to the care of their horses.
The bottom line are the photo's of the horses in their plight and that help was just a call away. Appeal and if you are successful I guess we'll all eat crow pie.

Believe me, the OP's 'statement' of bull crap is very common and full of all the usual rubbish that guilty peeps who've neglected their animals come out with. ;)


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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I may be wrong but I thought it was actually BHS welfare who went it first anyway? If so then surely the RSPCA rant is unjustified by that alone?

I don't know to be honest, but all of those excuses and guilt diversions are very common and extremely predictable. Most people who have been found guilty of neglect etc, who have pleaded not guilty, come out with them. It's actually quite funny! :p:D


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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There is NO EXCUSE for any horse neglect. In my opinion if you can not give your animals the basic needs and they begin to suffer you ask for help.

I am glad the RSPCA got involved, far too many people get away with animal neglect.

Have no sympathy, sorry.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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OP - I cannot believe that you have come on here, a forum for horse lovers, to put across your fairy story after having been found guilty. Have you no shame woman?


Well-Known Member
4 April 2012
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Sorry I posted my question on origional thread rather than this link. Did skipper post her defence message on HHO herself or has puppy given us the link from another forum. I ask because I'm surprised she has posted here. Or am I being thick and puppy is Lesley skipper.


Well-Known Member
1 April 2012
North Derbyshire
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Skipper - you are an absolute disgrace to humanity. I thought you couldnt sink lower, but trying to defend your behaviour shows you have learnt NOTHING at all. The conditions those horses were kept in were repellant. I would like to make you live in 3 ft of **** for 6 months. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES. Your expert witnesses should be ashamed too, if they tried to defend you.

And you need a hairdresser. Urgently.


Well-Known Member
3 June 2009
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OP - Skipper you are a disgusting excuse for a human being! You were blessed with the life that afforded you the chance to share it with beautiful and trusting horses and YOU chose to repay that trust by causing them suffering. HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME - dont come to a horse loving community that this forum is and bleat to us about the unfairness of it all!!!!!!!!!! I bet the horses you abused were despertatly trying to tell/plead with you about the unfairness of it all!!!!!!!!!! But clearly you chose to ignore them.
You are a disraceful piece of ***


Well-Known Member
2 June 2012
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I suspect the only people that know the truth are those involved and those privy to the court case content. I rarely believe what is in the press even when you give them interviews they usually get what information you have provided incorrect and have a tendency to sensationalise to sell.

Having said that its brave to come onto a horse forum where care is paramount for the majority of those that are on here whether we own horses or not. You are a role model that writes about horses and as such you needed to be whiter than white. If you were struggling a simple call out on any forum would have brought you people keen to help. People can be surprisingly generous when you need them the most.

When we were kids there was something I think called hotbedding where the poo's were taken out but the rest left with a layer of straw or bedding added on top the terminology might be incorrect but thats what we always called it... its not something we ever did I couldn't bare the stink used to make me vomit but it was supposed to be very economic and was used in a stables I worked at. Personally I just see it as lazy and detrimental to the horse. Assuming that is what you were doing with that stable then perhaps a change to your views might have been in order.

Given the court case results if your were considering any further case appeal then this thread is to your detriment. I hope that the horses did not suffer any more than was absolutely necessary, I have no faith in the RSPCA but they do act to do a job that needs doing.

I hope you have learnt a lesson from all of this and that your circumstances improve in future. A sad day when a role model falls from grace.