Well-Known Member
Yesterday I had a show jumping rally with Mark Bellinger. Apparently he was a really good show jumper. The lesson was supposed to be 2ft9-3ft3 and I was looking forward to taking Boomer out before Chilham ODE this weekend. We ended up spending an hour jumping 2ft3, and he wasn't even any good! Literally, all he did was tell us what jumps to jump, and that was it. One girl had a strong pony, so all he did was say whoa, whoa, steady, rather than telling her to sit up, half halt etc. afterall, we do all need reminding sometimes! It wasn't too expensive, £12.50 for a group lesson (5 of us) but I was very dissapointed as I'd been looking forward to it for a while
Oh well, that was an hour of my life I'll never get back