Rug rippers!!!!


Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
Up North
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My little git has today ruined another rug :( This is his 3rd Amigo this winter. He wears a lightweight turnout as he is very good doer and as he is connie x iberian is a hairy bear. He is a complete pest in his field, lives with one other gelding and he really does wind his mate up til he bites - literally!!! He is either getting his rugs ripped by his mate OR some mysterious sharp bits in the hedges/fences?????

All summer he was coming in with bleeding cuts on his bum. He is now obviously well protected by expensive rugs and so they are getting damaged. Every rug he owns now has patches where I have mended them, and I am once again trying to get stormseal off my fingers! Today's one is COMPLETELY trashed though, I have just been trying to patch up the least torn out of the 3 wrecked amigos I now have...

I refuse to buy any more amigos now. Does anyone have any suggestion for an indestructible LW turnout? We are thinking about installing hidden cameras so we can covertly watch the rug ripper!!!!


Well-Known Member
15 November 2010
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I have a rug trasher!

In the end, I put her no fill on top of her expensive Amigo rug. Has worked a treat. She often comes in with small tears to the top rug. But the expensive rug is unharmed and very clean! Still looks brand new in fact. Also is lovely, as when she has been out int he pouring rain, the top rug keeps the bottom one dry. So when I take her rugs off, I am not faced with having to dry a thick wet rug :p The no fill, drys in no time. As its a no fill, it doesn't make her any warmer either.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
Up North
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That's a good idea Lauren, I may try that!
Can't split them I'm afraid, farmer won't let us and we only have one water trough which is in an awkward place.