Sacro-illiac injuries (rider)


Well-Known Member
10 April 2006
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Does anyone have any experience of such an injury? I had a bad fall at the beginning of August at a rally. I was riding a horse for a local dealer type yard, a big irish TB type who had been bought to sell on. To cut a long story short he reared up and over with me. i managed to avoid him landing on me and I think I landed on my side. I got straight back on, nothing hurt, he then tried again and then succeeded in bucking me off twice in a row. the second time i landed flat on my back and was slightly winded. Took him up to the top of the filed and lunged him. By the time I got to the top it was painful to swing my left leg through to walk normally so was taking shorter steps on that side if you see what I mean? Had pins and needles in my toes for a couple of days and after a week with ibuprofen the swelling had gone down and I was walking fairly normally.
However since then, if I run or walk about a lot, through deep mud (eg in the field) then the pain returns, albeit to a lesser degree than initially. It feel as though it is to the left side of my lower back, across the point of my hip bone at the back and sometimes runs down across my groin and/or down my left leg aswell. I take ibuprofen if I think it will be bad. It was suggested to me that it may be sacro-illiac?


Well-Known Member
11 November 2001
Wiltshire/Hampshire ish!
go to a Chiropractor NOW!!!!

I did both sacro-ailliacs about 18 months ago now after landing flat on my back on hard ground. Put both out of place and although I intially got straight up and ran across the arena (was doing Bicton Novice Derby at the time!!) the next day was sore (although still rode). Really hit me the following weekend, I had rested for most of the week feeling sore but went XC schooling shall I just say I could barely get off the horse. At this point I went to see a Chiro.

Had put both out and the chiro said I should have seen her the week before because the longer you leave such injuries the harder it is to correct them as your muscles change shape to compensate.

It is hard for me now as even though I get treatment when ever I get twinges of back pain I have a tendancy to go out of alignment to the extent one leg becomes up to 1.5" longer than the other leg which I don't overly notice.

I really do advise you to go see a Chiro now. If you go through your GP they will normally advise pain killers first and if convinced a problem refer you which means you get treatement on NHS but some GPs are funny about referrals. Housemate has a permentantly dislocated shoulder, she found out it was that after she visited a family member who is a very experienced nurse. The large lump on her shoulder is a bit of a give away though. Her GP refused to acknowledge it as any more than a strain almost saying she was making the pain up!

anyway back to point get it sorted and get it sorted now, you will probably require several treatments and your back will never be quite as strong again, but you can do exercises and things like Pilates to help increase the strength and reduce the chance of reoccurance.



Well-Known Member
10 April 2006
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Thank you muchly. Will tootle off to find a number. I just hate the idea of going and them wondering what on earth I am on about if there is nothing wrong!
Your observations on leg length fit too- my left side is longer than my right, I can see it if I look in a mirror but I notice it when I ride.

the watcher

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4 November 2004
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I just wanted to second the get it sorted now post, I have over the years twisted my pelvis, broken my hip and various other bones, each time the NHS response has been painkillers and a diagnosis of soft tissue damage (I obviously don't make enough noise about it). The upshot is that all have been privately diagnosed months or years down the line when I couldn't stand the pain any more, some days I struggle to walk or even stand up straight.
Get it sorted now while there is a chance of minimising any damage


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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I am a physiotherapy student and my mum is a qualified physio. Did you actually go to the doctors when you did it? Pins and needles indicates a compression of a nerve. If it is still very painful I would suggest you go to A and E, explain what happened, they might want to xray it.

If not, I would suggest physiotherapy.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2005
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Go find a Chiro now, McTimoney or the other type (forget the name, shouldnt do Father is a chiro!!)

The pins and needles down your leg can be an indicator of sarcoilliac injuries, these do really need 'fixing' not only the pain but the cause of the pain and any adaptations you have made to compenstate for the injury or you will find yourself back at square one.


Well-Known Member
10 April 2006
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(In reply to all above)
Thanks guys, good to hear of others' experiences so that if I do need to fight my corner I can do so!
Didn't go to the docs at the time (I know...
) because I assumed it would wear off in a week or so. I did it in August so doubt it is a nerve by now- I think I would know if it was...ouch but did think that at the time. Thanks again and hope all your treatments continue to help.