Saddle Company Saddles


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
West Lothian, Scotland
Good evening all.

I have just bought a horse and I am looking to treat her to a new saddle as the one that she currently has is vewry old, the saddle flap on one side is partially unstitched and I'm just generally not that confident with it's fit!

So I am looking to spend £500ish on a new saddle. Would obviously be open to a good quality second hand saddle if it were to come along, but that's a matter of luck finding really! So looking at new saddles, the Saddle Company Verona range appear to fall into my budget.

I was just wondering what you guys thought of them- those who have got or have had them if you've any advice etc? My horse will be coming into much more regular work than she is currently in, so will change shape definitely within the year, hence I thought the adjustable tree would be a good idea.

I was looking at either the GP or event- is there a huge difference between the two? I would like something that I can do everything in, but would like a comfy jumping saddle over a more straight cut flap!



Well-Known Member
21 March 2002
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I have one, the verona, and know many others who have Saddle Co saddles. All of us have been thrilled to bits with them. They are not only brilliant because of the adjustability but horses go well in them plus they are comfortable to sit in. The event version is very much an event cut, you really can see the difference when you put it against a gp. Its down to what you want to get most use from I suppose.

You may be lucky and find a second hand one on Ebay, a friend recently purchased a nearly new dressage for £200.

Personally I cannot rate them highly enough!


Well-Known Member
24 August 2006
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I don't really know much about saddle company saddles but it tends to be pays your money takes your choice and new saddles tend to devalue rather quickly so you could pick up a very good second hand saddle for the same money- I bought an albion legend xc 6months old in the summer for just over that much and it is a fabulously comfy jumping saddle. It depends how much you think she is going to change as to whether you need an adjustable tree as unless she is very young or in very poor condition you would just be able to have a conventional saddle reflocked to adjust to the increased muscle.


Well-Known Member
25 June 2005
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Many of the retailers have the equipment to adjust the Saddle Company Saddles at your yard making the whole process pretty easy and the fit can be checked. My retailer will not adjust up or down by more than two widths as she feels it distorts the balance of the back of the saddle.

One of my horses goes very freely in his Verona dressage but as far as the design of the saddle I have sat in much much better dressage saddles. Really only continue to use it because it is so comfortable for my horse.


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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I've bought a Bates Close Contact & a Bates Dressage in brown second hand. Both were only about 6 months old, immaculate & had very little use. Both came with Bates leathers & irons & I paid within your budget for each of them. New they are around £750. Obviously they are adjustable by changing the gullet, it only takes a few minutes. The bargains are out there if you look hard enough.


Well-Known Member
19 December 2006
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Only thing with Bates is only the gullet is adjustable, I think with saddle company you can adjust the tree and make back or front higher or lower, I think!

I bought a Bates all purpose 2nd hand earlier this year for £380, with Cair, turned out the cair panels werent fluid anymore on one side, causing bridging, and pain to my horse. Even though the saddle was less than a year old.
I was really surprised as I thought Cair was always fluid, if I ever had another one I would have the cair removed and replaced with flocking.

equestrianclearance has good saddles cheap too, will be worth a look!


Well-Known Member
25 June 2005
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As far as I am aware it is only the front arch of the Saddle Company Saddles that are adjusted, therefore no different to in reality to the Bates/Wintec system other than the retailer needs to do it for you, this does mean though that a saddler is checking the fit of the saddle.


Well-Known Member
30 July 2005
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Mrs T you are right but also the whole flocking of the saddle company saddles can be adjusted on site. So it is not only the front arch but the serge panels underneath the saddle can be made fatter or thinner depending on what is required for the horse...this you cannot do with the Bates Flair...if one were to let the air down, it would get to baggy and damage the horses back, so the air bags can only really be filled up to the maximum which would not suit every horse.


Well-Known Member
30 July 2005
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Oh and to add my pennys worth- think that the saddle company GP saddles are absolutely brilliant!! Offered by far the best levels of comfort for my horse out of Albions, sue carsons, devoucoux, prestige, amerigo, and pessoa.

The GP saddles are great but the dressage ones, although offering exceptional comfort for the horse, are impossible to ride in..


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
West Lothian, Scotland
Thanks all for the replies. The reason for wanting an adjustable saddle is that she is very unfit (a happy hacker at the moment) and will be going into much more regular work so will muscle up a fair bit. Will be getting a saddle fitter out whatever as I want a professional's opinion, just trying to suss out some saddle types to mention to the fitter when booking the appointment so hopefully they can bring out similar types.

However, if a "normal" saddle (e.g. not adjustable tree) can be adjusted to suit muscling up a fair bit, I saw some lovely saddles on ebay which could be made to measure (by me sending a template) for around about my budget. They were Heritage Bespoke saddlers- any one have any experience? Sounded very good and very reasonably priced as they are made by themselves, not bought in.

If the saddle company ones seem to be a good bet, I may just find a saddle company fitter to come out and go with that. They seem to be getting good reviews from you guys on here! I would probably be going for the GP style from the sounds of it!


Well-Known Member
19 December 2006
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Ive seen those ones on ebay too, I thought they sounded great also, although if buying a new saddle I wouldnt want to rely on a template, I would want a saddler to check the fit.