Saddle dilemma - who to believe???


Well-Known Member
26 December 2013
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Ok, so I am the new horse owner that everyone warns about!!!! Novice rider with a green horse!!! The worst combination I know!!! Well, made my bed so will just get on and lie in it!!! Fortunately, I am under no illusion of my lack of experience and not afraid to ask for help when needed!!!

My girl is great and whilst she too, is inexperienced, she is very forgiving!! She is rising 5 and was broken as a trotter. She only gets a bit daft around other horses - other noises and sounds etc don't bother her - screaming kids (mine!!) banging, crashing, chain saw noises, etc and she is great!!! Not a flinch with the spooky stick!!! She listens really well and has good stable manners etc.

So, on the basis of the above, I bought her!!! I had a saddle fitted as no way I could do it - I had a good idea of what to do but thought I would leave it to the expert!! Trouble is, she is narrow across the withers, with high withers and a flat back!!' No saddle was a perfect fit so we went with the best in my price range!!

I have since been told by my YO that the saddle is too wide and sits too low on her withers!!! I feel a complete muppet as thought I'd done the right thing, getting one fitted! Am using a riser to lift saddle off her withers but wondered if there was something better to use - one I have is a firm
Moulded foam type. Do I really need to try and get a new saddle as her shape will probably change with the more work I do with her or do I stick with what I have????? Many thanks in advance 😄

be positive

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9 July 2011
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Saddles are often fairly low on the withers, obviously there should be adequate clearance but there are many things to consider when fitting a saddle and wither clearance is just one. The problem with using a riser is that you may then create problems further back if the saddle then tips back and becomes unbalanced, the saddle may be a little wide but the fitter could have been allowing for her to build up some muscle, I would get the fitter back or at least phone and ask for advice, they are, or should be, qualified, which the YO is not, they may suggest a pad, reflocking or it may be that another saddle is required but until you ask for help you will not know what to do for the best.


Well-Known Member
26 December 2013
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Thank you bepositive. When I told YO where I got saddle from, they were surprised that it wasn't a better fit. The fitter did try a good few on my horse but because of her shape, we were limited on choice. She has a flat back and just about every saddle sat up off her back. I am thinking that he has chosen the one that sits on her back the best as the priority. Add to that the fact I had a limited budget probably made the job harder for him!!! I think I will go back and get some advice from the fitter as he will know why he went for the saddle that he did. Many thanks for your time 😃

Mince Pie

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13 June 2011
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I would have thought that the fitter would be allowing for the horse to muscle up. There are 2 schools of thought on this one - to have a slightly wider saddle and pad it out to allow for muscling up, or that the saddle should fit without padding and just have the saddler out more often. I subscribe to the first, however my saddler fits the saddle with the pads.

How does the horse feel to ride, as ultimately the horse is the one you should listen to!


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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How does the horse feel to ride, as ultimately the horse is the one you should listen to!

This. If the horse goes well in the saddle currently, it must fit well enough. Other signs that the saddle is uncomfortable could be biting at you as you tack up/tighten your girth etc.
Unfortunately you will find as a novice owner that every third person, at least, will give you a different opinion on just about everything, sometimes extremely forcefully. Many of them will be wrong. I tend to think that if I have paid for a professional opinion, I will go with that unless and until proved wrong.
I know nothing about your YO, of course, but I do know some who have land and stables but very little horse-knowledge


Well-Known Member
26 December 2013
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I have to say, I was totally unaware that the saddle was not a good fit until my YO mentioned it. They break horses, school horses, breed horses and are BHS qualified instructor so I guess I thought they would know far better than I about the saddle :-/ ?That said, my horse never tries to nip me when I saddle her up or complain when I tighten the girth. She seems to move well although we are still learning, but she is a star and very quick to learn. The saddle feels ok to me and when it's on her, it looks fine. Unfortunately I have no idea what the saddle then looks like with me on it!!!! My gut tells me that I should maybe just get a sheepskin saddle pad to bulk it out until such time that she has muscled up. I am not riding her as much as I would like and as get work increases, I am sure she will fill out. She has high narrow withers and a flat back, some of which could maybe change in time. Also at 4 and a half, could she still grow at all????!
8 September 2005
New Forest
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You don't say how long ago you had the saddle fitted but at four and a half she will definitely be growing still. It is possible she has changed shape since you had the saddle, it is very common with youngsters unfortunately. My mum's has changed shape significantly several times. He is a sensible type and exhibits no symptoms apart from not going so well. It might be worth getting the fitter back and putting your mind at rest.

Mince Pie

Well-Known Member
13 June 2011
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Yes she will grow, and probably fill out as well. As long as the horse seems comfortable and you don't feel like you are being tipped forwards/backwards then you should be ok as it is.
If you think you will be able to see any small differences in her way of going then it may be a good idea to lunge her with the saddle and then without it. :)


Well-Known Member
26 December 2013
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I only bought the saddle in September but I do think she has grown a wee bit since then. Even the person I bought her off commented on the fact that he thought she'd grown!!! Could very well be reason why YO commented that saddle seemed shallow over the withers??? Gosh, I am learning so much!!! Have not lunged her with the saddle on but when it's off, she seems to revert back to her pacing trot!!!!


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26 December 2013
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Yeah that makes more sense doesn't it?? Tbh, think I will get in touch with fitter in new year and see what he says. If she hasn't done growing, then would I be better to make current saddle as comfortable as possible and then look to changing it down the line? When I had ponies as a child, they came with all their tack so have never had to start from scratch!!!


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26 December 2013
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So before I get the fitter out, a friend has passed on a Spanish dressage saddle for me to try!!! Actually makes a great option for me as will help me feel more confident in the saddle without going down the western route!!! Anyway, I tried it on today and tbh, not sure what to think!!! The saddle doesn't go past her last rib and seems to give enough shoulder clearance. It does sit quite high off her withers which is the opposite to the problem I currently have. There is plenty of clearance from front to back so leaves a nice lot of room for her spine. It is a totally different fit to my current GP saddle so not sure if now too small!!! It fits me perfectly but not sure about the fit on my lil girl!!! I took photos but not sure they would help at all!!!!! I will attach them if anyone thinks they could help or advise from a picture????? Many thanks in advance 😄


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26 December 2013
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Yes, was going to ask YO but she was flat out this morning - she breaks and schools horses so is often very busy. Was going to try and work it out myself - well, kind of by myself, ie doing research and asking advice on here lol!! Gosh, really wish I knew more!!!!


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5 January 2008
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Yes, was going to ask YO but she was flat out this morning - she breaks and schools horses so is often very busy. Was going to try and work it out myself - well, kind of by myself, ie doing research and asking advice on here lol!! Gosh, really wish I knew more!!!!

I really would either ask the opinion of your YO or qualified saddle fitter rather than trying to rely on the advice from a forum or your own guesswork. The wrong saddle can cause so much damage so I really wouldn't be trying to work out the best fit alone.


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26 December 2013
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Yes, I will defintely get the opinion of either the fitter or my YO. I wouldn't risk my horses health by putting on an ill fitting saddle, it's just my own frustration at my lack of knowledge is all. It's nice that people do take their to offer their thoughts etc, and whilst I will akways refer back to the proper expert, it's good to know if I was at least thinking along the right lines!!! Proves to myself that I am learning lol 😄 So, we will see what the expert says then!!!


Well-Known Member
5 February 2011
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Youre current saddle - when sat on your horse can you put 3 fingers between the saddle and the withers? If so then there is enough wither clearance (be sure to check further back along the withers as well as right at the front).


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1 August 2010
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I would just say that young horses especially, and any horse with a change in work, can change shape very quickly and you should definitely have the fitter out again. I have mine about every 3 months because Harry changes shape a lot depending on the time of year and what work he is doing. Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
26 December 2013
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My horse has def changed shape as currently in a livery yard, with no winter turn out!!!! Sadly, this is my only option as no other yards around that I can get to. She gets out every day though, either to lunge or ride but she has certainly lost weight! I really noticed it today!!! As everyone has said, def best to get fitter out and work from there. Thanks a million for your comments 😄