Saddle Slipping Forward ... (Sorry Long!)


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
West Yorkshire
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Which non slip pad is best for preventing a saddle slipping forward?

I had my boys saddle checked nearly 3 month ago and he was assymetric having a dip behind left shoulder blade. (this shoulder looks bigger than the other also whether this is due to the dip making it look bigger I'm not sure) He has large shoulders and hates anything preventing him moving them. He also is short backed, sprung ribbed, low withered and a forward girth groove (very awkward to fit thats for certain!!) My saddle fitted fine other than the assymetry so saddler recommended wow korrector pad to even him up.

I have used the korrector now for nearly 3 months and he is leveling up nicely. I keep reducing the pad and we are nearly at point of not needing it to level him. My problem is the saddle does work its way forward so is pressing on his shoulder which he hates anything blocking his shoulder. Its fine in walk but as soon as we trot the saddle makes its way forward.

I have bought an ergonomic girth but this has made no difference. Would I be better purchasing a gel eze not slip pad or other non slip pad to stop it moving or would a different girth be better? My saddle fitter is coming out again to check fit again but it may be over a month or more before she is back over my way.

Donuts for those that read this far!!! x


Well-Known Member
20 January 2007
in a bin hehe
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When P's saddle slipped forward we used a girth (cant remember the name) and it has no elastic on it? Or the a humane girth. And then a black like foamy (cant explain it) non slip saddle pad thing... im so rubbish at explaining!


Well-Known Member
11 November 2007
Wigston, Leicestershire
Hattie has well sprung ribs and a forward girth groove as well and out of the huge piles of saddles I tried last month, the Saddle Company one is the only one that stays put. It ends up sliding forward about an 1 or so after a long ride but doesn't end up right on top of her withers straight away after a couple of trot strides like all the other well known brands did!

I use a Barnsby grip pad to counteract this BUT I have also ordered this girth which has no elastic and is designed for horses with a forward girth groove, long withers and a large barrel which causes saddles to slip forward. I haven't tried it yet as i'm still waitiung for it to come but I'm optimistic about it!


Well-Known Member
26 January 2002
West Yorks
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Prolite nonslip pad - That might be the 'black, foamy thing' brilliant piece of kit. My mare has no withers, a back like a table and a forward girth groove. This keeps my saddle back. BTW, she hated the geleze pad - too sticky I think.


Well-Known Member
11 April 2009
North Wilts, UK
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Another vote for Prolite nonslip pad, I used to use two (one on horses back and one between saddle and numnah) but this may have been because I had a poorly shaped numnah? They really work anyway!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2009
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If the saddle is moving forward because of your horses conformation a saddle pad will not make any difference. In particular, a forward girth groove and well sprung ribs will push the saddle forward and no pad on earth will stop that. WOW H girths are great for your problem but they are for long strapped saddles. Using as wide apart girth straps as possible with a wide girth also helps but ultimately you need the right saddle.
Speaking from experience of numerous saddles, a wow saddle with an H girth was the only way to stop the saddle moving forwards on my horse who has very well sprung ribs.


Well-Known Member
9 April 2008
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what about one of those things that goes under the it a krupper or sounds something like that...

someone on here will know what i am trying to say..


Well-Known Member
26 January 2009
The Edge of Suburbia, Berkshire.
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Daughters pony used to stick her head down and try to pull her off, this got the the point daughter could stay on but the saddle slipped forward, so we then got a Prolite pad which keeps it pretty much in place and a crupper which attaches to tail and stops it sliding forwards - saddler had to make up a widget to fit into the back for the saddle with a D ring which took a week or so - helps that pony is broken to drive so is used to a crupper.


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
West Yorkshire
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Thank you for all your replies! I have plenty to work on to see which works best until saddle fitter comes again.

Sidesaddlegirl I have been following your posts for quite a while as I recognised most of your saddle fit problems in my boy! The girth looks like a good one to try as the girth I got has elastic at both ends and its not helping so may try that if the prolite fails.

Another option is change my straps to long ones and try the H girth as I had looked at those on the wow site but they looked uncomfortable. Are they comfy for the horse being so narrow strapped?

I shall also see what saddle fitter says, as now my boy has changed shape and is nearly level he may need a completly different saddle! Oh joy its just spend spend spend!!

Thank you all again.