Saddlers – a godsend or a waste of time?


Well-Known Member
23 August 2006
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I know we are supposed to revere our saddler as being keeper of the secrets of saddle fitting – but I have recently found myself thinking’hmmm’ lately.

Obviously we can’t make a saddle – so I appreciate the skill and knowledge required for that craft. But how many saddlers that do fittings do actually also make saddles?

The question I ask is do they really know more than us about fitting a saddle?

Over the years I have had a master saddler sell me a saddle he claimed to have made and was very proud of – only to have the small button on it pointed out to me by another saddler as the mark of a Kings saddle [Kings being a saddle makers – I don’t mean it belonged King George or anything]. After watching the saddle flap up and down on her back whilst lungeing [althought it looked fine according to second saddler] I eventually chose a new saddle myself which she went well in and seemed a much better fit.

I have had qualified saddlers check the fit of my saddle and declare ‘it looks allright’ with little more explanation than that.

Recently I called my saddler back to swap my saddle as it didn’t suit me – the first time he came every saddle he’d bought fitted her beautifully. This time every saddle was ‘bridging’ or ‘pinching’. We did swap saddles but I was left with a feeling that he had one particular saddle in mind that he intended to swap for the one I’d bought.

I didn’t get into a row as the saddle seems fine. I believe he did pick a correctly fitting saddle but I am sure I was manipulated,

I get the impression that many saddlers are not providing me with a service but giving me a hard sell. My natural inclination is to think they must know more than me but I’m not sure it’s the case. At no point has any saddler ever pointed out anything to me about the fit of a saddle that I wasn’t already aware of. I’m not being arrogant – I don’t know everything – but I haven’t learned anything new from a saddler ever!

Now I’m not suggesting we encourage novice or inexperienced people to fit their own saddles but I bet there are many seasoned horsey people who have a strong view one way or the other on this.

I previously worked full-time with horses for several years and have some qualifications. During my training I was taught the ‘basics’ of saddle fitting below:

The panels must sit evenly on the back and clear either side of the spine.

The panels must sit flat along the back muscles.

The more bearing surface there is the better for the horse [spreads the weight better]

If you run your hand right along the saddle underneath the saddle flaps you can feel if the panel sits flat – there should be no gaps anywhere.

The pommel must be clear of the withers [how much varies as to who you ask. Some insist no less than 4 fingers width some say as long as it is clear and comfy for the horse no need to be pedantic about the actual amount. I feel you need to take into account the type of saddle as well and whether it is likely to spread or not. Synthetics are prone to this although not as much as they used to be].

The saddle should not restrict the shoulder – place your hand under the front part of the panel with a rider on board and feel if it pinches.

The back of the saddle should not lift up and down off the horses back with or without a rider.

The saddle should also fit the rider. Eg a skinny person in a big saddle will struggle.

When viewed from the side the seat should appear to be level – ie not tipping the rider forward or back.

I am sure there will be additions/corrections from other people here.

All comments welcome.


Well-Known Member
7 August 2005
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I know exactly where you are coming from, I had a bad experience witha couple of saddlers, and one of the most respected saddlers tried to sell me a saddle without even seeing it on my horse!!!

I think good ones are invaluable because they can look at the horse and decide what make of saddle would fit best for them, which I couldnt with my basic knowledge, but I have seen some appallingly bad fitting going on too......


Well-Known Member
23 May 2006
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As saddle fitters ourselves, I can only agree with the some of the comments above (eek!) All I can say is, if in doubt ASK your saddler why he/she is doing something, if you have doubts then discuss them with your saddle fitter - good ones should NEVER mind being asked questions & are happy to show you exactly what they are looking at & also explain why they think this or that saddle is the right one for your horse.
With luck you will get a good lesson in saddle fitting from someone who is genuinely interested in their subject.
There are lots of people out there who do this, so ask around for recommendations!


Well-Known Member
16 December 2004
East Yorkshire
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I use a friend of a frind and i dont think for one minite she would con me. In fact when she came she plonked loads of saddles down, i told her my budget, but instantly i picked out one i liked and said i want that one it was the most expensive she had brought i said please let it fit, please let it fit, it didnt
she said i couldnt have it and sold me a saddle i would have fitted myself.

I trust her and am getting her back for another fitting soon. I believe its very hard to find a saddler you trust unfortunately


Well-Known Member
18 February 2004
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I've always sworn by having properly fitted saddles, but recently fell out with my saddler (because I privately bought a £90 saddle instead of a £420 one he wanted to sell me) he will now not come and reflock another 2 saddles, which he sold me new, apparently its not worth the journey.
I also don't understand why saddlers rarely have appropriate 2nd hand saddles available, and always want you to buy a new one, yet everyone you speak to privately has trouble selling their 2nd hand saddles....


Well-Known Member
23 August 2006
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Yes and odd to that no matter how much you empahise your maximum budget is £400 - they still bring saddled priced at £1200!! I can imagine some people will stretch to poss a few hundred over their budget - but 3 times that amount???