Saddlers in Gloucester-for alteration.


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23 August 2010
North Wales
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I am based at Hartpury in Gloucester and need a very good saddler to alter my 2 current saddles. Had the physio out to my horse last week and both saddles are sitting left causing pressure on the righthand side of his back along with muscle wastage. :( I wondered if anyone had any experiences with having saddles altered in the gloucester area?
Thank you!


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8 December 2011
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Clive Whereatt... Master Saddler in Glos... 01454 311206

I'm in Wales but I use him... Nice chap, been at it for yonks so has a few tricks up his sleeve, and will try and be as economical as possible... He recently tweaked the saddle to accommodate one shoulder being less developed than the other...

The lass who was schooling my TB for me in the summer is at Hartpury... She did the riding for the first saddle fit and I believe he is used by a few students there...


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23 August 2010
North Wales
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Thank you! He sound very good and the fact that he is a master saddler is a bonus. So many people are going about adjusting/selling tack with only a couple of days training.
Thanks again


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26 March 2009
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Laurence Pearman at Cirencester saddlers/stroud saddlery. Wouldn't use anyone else! If both of your saddles are sitting like that then I would get yourself checked out - it is unlikely that the saddles would cause this on their own.
P.S. someone being a master saddler has squat to do with their fitting ability! Some will be saddle fitters too, but some will have just worked in the industry for a long time, not necessarily fitting saddles.


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23 August 2010
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I have heard mixed reviews on Laurence. I'm really not sure where to go with this, everyone has had good and very bad experiences with most of the saddles around Gloucester.
It's also very frustrating that a qualification like master saddler doesn't guarantee you an excellent service. We invest so much time and money in our horses and it can all go to pot from a badly fitted saddle!
I am unfortunately the cause of the wonky saddles. My pelvis has been out of line but 2 sessions of physio for 8 weeks has put me straight again! Feel terrible for affecting my horse!


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9 March 2011
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It's very common to have to flock up saddles that are uneven due to un even horses or riders. Most flock ups involve flocking more on one side than the other as most horses muscle up more on one side.As well as uneven pressure due to rider problems.
I'm sure there are Saddlers or Saddle Fitters in your area that are experienced enough to sort your saddles out.Hope you find one soon.
Oz :)


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30 November 2010
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Clive Whereatt - met him on the Society of Master Saddlers stand at Badminton, he subsequently came down and gave our yard a saddle fitting demo (a number of us have been ripped off/ told rubbish by saddlers so wanted to know a bit more) and he came down recently to check/ alter /fit 5 horses on our yard. Did some alterations on site and had to take a couple away. He is darn good!el

Edited to add - my saddle was slipping ever so slightly when he came out and my mare had muscle wastage on the other shoulder from where i'd been trying to hoick it back over all the time. He recommended the v expensive solution of fibregee. Will allow her muscle to come up and once it has then remove and tada! (unfortunately she's now on a month's box rest)
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Well-Known Member
8 December 2011
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Clive Whereatt - met him on the Society of Master Saddlers stand at Badminton,
He recommended the v expensive solution of fibregee.

lol...yeah, he does come up with some odd (but makes sense when you think about it) ideas that work - but are inexpensive ways around some problems...

He changed the strapping on our saddle and used some wrap under the one shoulder and the thing instantly sat perfectly centrally but still lets the smaller shoulder bulk up... The other saddles he's been able to adjust on the premises...

There are other (closer) saddlers in my area that have good reputations... But I like Clive and he's an amusing soul... :)


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It's the only person I have heard all positive comments about so definitely going to give him a try. Thanks everyone! Will let you know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
26 March 2009
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I have heard mixed reviews on Laurence. I'm really not sure where to go with this, everyone has had good and very bad experiences with most of the saddles around Gloucester.
It's also very frustrating that a qualification like master saddler doesn't guarantee you an excellent service. We invest so much time and money in our horses and it can all go to pot from a badly fitted saddle!
I am unfortunately the cause of the wonky saddles. My pelvis has been out of line but 2 sessions of physio for 8 weeks has put me straight again! Feel terrible for affecting my horse!

lol, he is pretty straight talking, which can make him a bit marmite for some people!

If your physio keeps having to put your straight, then spend some time chatting with them about what could keep putting you out and also get some exercises to help you stay straight. It is what I need to do to stop me dropping my right hip - lots of stretches from my chiro help keep me straighter for longer - and so dropping my chiro bill which can only be a good thing!


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23 August 2010
North Wales
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lol, he is pretty straight talking, which can make him a bit marmite for some people!

If your physio keeps having to put your straight, then spend some time chatting with them about what could keep putting you out and also get some exercises to help you stay straight. It is what I need to do to stop me dropping my right hip - lots of stretches from my chiro help keep me straighter for longer - and so dropping my chiro bill which can only be a good thing!

AH i see! I am not usually offended by a bit of straight talking so could always use him if I have no luck with clive.

I am straight now, and keeping straight, it just took 8 weeks to get there! my pelvis was out, affecting my abdo muscles, my shoulder was out due to compensation of the pelvis and my back was killing! My back was the main reason for going physio, and it was all due to my pelvis. My spinal joints were all very stiff due to compensation. All very painful and complex but I feel so much better now! Foam rollers and abdominal exercises are helping me enormously.
(I am lucky enough to be on Hartpury's elite academy so get free physio! So I have taken full advantage of it!)