Saddles again - fluffy saddle pads etc. Need help!


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2 August 2004
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Is it just me or are saddles bl**dy nuisances??? And expensive ones???

I currently use a Saddle Company Verona half/half saddle - ie synthetic under, leather upper, serge panels. I bought it second hand off ebay and fitted it myself - and it was a decent fit when I got it. (wide fit)

Basically my professionally fitted and expensive Kings saddle, though a very nice saddle, was restricting the orange ones shoulders so much she couldn't trot up hills, and ask for canter, you got ears flat back and four beat canter more like a camel. (Medium fit)

The Saddle company one - well within a week or so there was a marked difference and her trotting is now exactly that - she can open her shoulders and trot uphill without the stop and start hopping horribleness that we'd had before. So I've had no problems for about a year using this saddle.

But - and there just HAD to be one! She's changed shape (yet again) over winter and has slimmed down a little, with the result that the SCS is dropping a bit much at the front, which holds the front but lifts the back slightly, and it then moves a bit from side to side at the back and rubs a bit.

I tried a prolite wither pad to lift it a little at the front but it hasn't made much difference. Basically I need the saddle re-templating and reflocking but no-one round here does it

Last week I tried putting a fluffy half pad under it to see if it would help - and I can only think that caused problems as out hacking, she was really unhappy coming down hills and I constantly felt like my right stirrup was too long - riding back down the lane I realised that the saddle was not sitting straight on her back and was over to one side and was tipping my weight and hence the stirrup feeling too long...

So last night I tried both my saddles with no saddle cloth to see how she'd react and how they seemed to fit. Kings first - seemed to sit well on her back, no bridging, when girthed it was a little tight at the front if you try to slide your hand down. Got on and fine in walk and trot though trot not quite as free as normal (level ground though) asked for canter and ears went back - head came up, four beat disjointed and horrible canter. Whipped it straight off.

SCS back on, still some clearance at withers, probably less than the Kings but still I'd say 3 fingers. Sat on back OK, no bridging, can slide hand down the front (when girthed) much more easily. Walked fine, trot much better, canter was 3 beat, slight ears back moment, but much better even if she used being able to move better as an excuse to go faster back towards the field.

Do I try to get a conventional fitter/saddler to re-flock the saddle and trust they can do enough to tweak it? There is no massive change needed - just the front needs picking back up which reflocking should do. I've emailed the saddle company to see what they can suggest.

This would get me through this year with a little bit of dressage and hacking about until she's too far on to be ridden (off to stud soon) and hope it will be ok afterwards.

OR look at getting another saddle now, but it would be whatever make local saddlers have and in the past she's not been easy to fit.

OR risk my OH and family killing me, and probably bankrupt myself in the process and get a WOW saddle fitted now rather than save up whilst she's doing less and get one after the foal is weaned (when maybe a few more second hand ones are floating about..)

Please help before I get myself even more confuzzled!!!

PS another option - someone I used to be on a yard with did have an old but decent dressage saddle that fit well and of course keeps away from her shoulders, I could find out if she still has it and buy it, hopefully fairly cheap, and make do with hacking in a dressage saddle - which I know I could manage...


Well-Known Member
30 July 2006
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She sounds like a twin to my mare. I had exactly the same movement issues as you with my saddle (especially the hopping!). It took me about 15 saddle fitting sessions to find one that fits her for now. Mine mare is still only 6, so I've been swapping 2nd hand saddles every 6 months-year with a friendly saddler so I haven't lost too much money from it. She'll get a proper one next year if she stops growing.

Anyway, as to your dilemma I'd be tempted to buy your friend's saddle as first choice option IF it still fits, if not try flocking the saddles before buying a 2nd hand one.

Personally I couldn't justify buying a WOW saddle now when her shape will change whilst pregnant, and then after the birth she may well have a different shape as well.
You can then rethink saddles when foalie is weaned and she's back in work properly.


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8 February 2006
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I had the same problem last year when my boy lost a lot of weight (was far too fat and ended up just right.) I use a Thorowgood synthetic with FISH - even with the widest FISH in my saddle was far to wide post-diet. He had gone from XXW to Wide!

I had the master saddler out who sold me the saddle and he narrowed the width of the tree in his van in I believe a press. Obviously this means if he gets XXW again my saddle will be too narrow but I am not going to let this happen (muzzle at the ready!). Whilst not a saddle company fitter I asked him about them as I have been thinking of buying one but no fitters in our area and he said he could alter one in the same way. Perhaps it would be worth giving the "normal" saddle fitters in your area a call.


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
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Personally I couldn't justify buying a WOW saddle now when her shape will change whilst pregnant, and then after the birth she may well have a different shape as well.
You can then rethink saddles when foalie is weaned and she's back in work properly.

[/ QUOTE ]

See I know that is the logical and financially sound option... but I want!!!!!

Problem with Asti is she's rising 15 - she shouldn't keep changing like this!!! She grew huge shoulders at about age 12 and had to go up a rug size. Good job I love her to bits cos she's an expensive little madam!

Just need Natwest to cough up my sisters bank charges (I'm on "commission" cos I did all the work for her
and I can finance the dressage saddle option... plus she's buying the Kings off me which fits her mare...


Well-Known Member
23 May 2006
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You just need to find a saddler with a "saddle devil" & then they can re-template the tree for you. It's not a difficult job. You don't need a SCS specific fitter for this.
Good luck, it just means ringing round your area, I guess


Well-Known Member
10 February 2006
I know there is a saddle company machine at the Yorkshire Saddlery in Wombwell, and I know there is a fitter in Country Durham.

Don't let anyone reflock the saddle apart from teh saddle company. I have seen so many that were altered by so called experts and to be honest they have ruined the saddle. If you give th saddle company a call they will tell you where the nearest of their machines are and it can be done really easily. otherwise many other saddlers have templating machines, I know that forester saddles have them, Kieffers and several others so someone somewhere must have one close to you. In the meantime - I would recomend using a prolite relief pad. Not just the wither pad as that only lifts the withers and your horse has probably dropped weight along teh back line. The relief pad will lift the saddle the full length.