

Well-Known Member
7 June 2011
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Hi all,
I posted a while back about me thinking my mare has a sarcoid. Since posting i have told the owner and he's kept an eye on it. The pony i share is kept at her owners yard who is also the YO, recently he has been ill and unable to come down, so he's son has taken over. Over the past few weeks i've realized its been getting bigger(its in the crease of her back leg,if you know what i mean) And i've noticed one right under her belly too, unlike the other one its more raised and small apposed to flat and wide.I showed my friends on the yard they agreed they think its a sarcoid and that its got bigger from when they last saw it and that she has new one. So when the son came down my friend told him about the lump and showed it too him, friend suggested to me that a vet comes too see her, i agree too just in her best intrest. We told the son, he said he doesn't think its anything, but will tell YO and see if he will come and have a look. Everytime i show it too them they say its nothing, im so worried bout her:( I'm only 15 but willing to dig into my uni fee to pay for a vet too come see her.Even if it is nothing, i'd rather be safe than sorry.
Anyone had any experience with the nasty sarcoids?
whats the treatment available like?
any help appreciated.
thank you:)


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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Hi Chloefoxy, I understand your concern, sarcoids are scary things and none of us want our horses to have them.

There are a few different types of sarcoid. Many are best left and monitored, others require a more aggressive approach. Before you can decide what to do, you need a diagnosis.

It would be useful if you could share a vet visit with someone else on the yard who was having some routine work done. The cost of the visit would be reduced.

If the vet thinks they are sarcoids, he will usually take some photos of them to send to Prof Knottenbelt at Liverpool University. He is the leading specialist in sarcoids and will make up a cream that will need to be applied at intervals over a couple of weeks. The cream is very strong and can only be applied by a veterinary surgeon. It can get quite expensive and there is always the possibility that the horse will develop other sarcoids or that those treated will grow back.

Some sarcoids can be removed by a ligature (band) which cuts off the blood supply so that the sarcoid shrivels up and drops off. This is a very cheap solution, if appropriate. It worked on a horse I had and the sarcoid did not grow back.

Some people use Thuja, a homeopathic treatment in the form of pills and cream. I have no experience of this but a homeopathic vet told me that even if it doesn't work, it will not do any harm.

Once you find out what these lumps are, you can then approach the owner with the facts and take it from there.

There is an information sheet available online from Liverpool University, you can google it, but it can be scary reading.

I hope you get it sorted.


Well-Known Member
7 June 2011
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Thank you for your help:)
yes i'm very worried about my pony she is my everything. Hopefully YO has been down to see her and decided she needs a vet, if he decides otherwise i don't know what to do as i'm very worried but do not want to go against him as after all it isn't my pony. I'm going down Saturday so hopefully something would have been sorted if not at least spoken about. Have heard about Liverpool University will do some more research
Thank you:)