
Roasted Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
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So the wee guy had a nodular sarcoid where his umbilicus had been.

Ive been applying a topical simple mixture to it consistently for four weeks and it has dropped off. There is some matted fluff as the paste is sticky and a tiny bump but not sure if that’s just scar tissue or another small nodular sarcoid.

However this raw patch has appeared and his sheath has swollen slightly. Sheath is cold to the touch on the outside but a bit too warm on the inside and im Cold hosing daily. Not sure if the raw patch is also a sarcoid that’s dying off, he has no issues with me touching him anywhere and done with my having my hand and the cold hose up in there either.

Not particular worried, he has the vet for teeth in the next week so if still Swollen etc then I’ll get them to take a look. I’m just not that clued up on sarcoids, My old boy had two that never changed or grew in 18yrs so I left them be.

I have attached pics dating from 13th of October two weeks into applying paste and through the last two weeks until now. thanks ?



Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Those look like possible seedlings to me CC, I'd keep a very close eye, and want them gone quickly if they are now angry and fast growing, as they can be.

Roasted Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
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Those look like possible seedlings to me CC, I'd keep a very close eye, and want them gone quickly if they are now angry and fast growing, as they can be.

Thank you, im Learning as I go here. Im starting simple and if more drastic action is needed I’ll take it. I’m going to give the area a good wash with hibiscrub tomorrow and have a good look. I’ll keep applying the paste as it’s working. I was feeding sarcX but I didn’t see much difference and it costs a heck of a lot for it not to be working.

He doesn’t have any elsewhere it just seems to be round this part and I want to keep it what way ????

Roasted Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
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is the past vet prescribed? Sarcoids that have been stimulated can be very nasty.

No. I have however watched many nastier sarcoids than my boys removed with this treatment which is relatively cheap. He is only 2.5 so I’d rather try a less painful but proven to work Method before going down the painful vet route and involving insurance exclusions at his age. If they don’t heal or disappear then the vet will be fully involved And we will go from there.

The big sarcoid has dropped off in four weeks so im hopeful that these will go as well.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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I’m a believer in benign watchfulness for sarcoids, as many do not go on to progress, but I would have for the vet involved in your guy before now.

Definitely time for the vet now. Has the vet observed it at all on previous checks? IIRC they have, although it wasn’t clear if it was a sarcoid then - but I could be muddling you up with another poster. That could muddle the insurance liability.

Roasted Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
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I’m a believer in benign watchfulness for sarcoids, as many do not go on to progress, but I would have for the vet involved in your guy before now.

Definitely time for the vet now. Has the vet observed it at all on previous checks? IIRC they have, although it wasn’t clear if it was a sarcoid then - but I could be muddling you up with another poster. That could muddle the insurance liability.

no vet yet they are out next week. Self diagnosis. This is fairly recent. Different poster
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Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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Good luck with the vet visit.

In the meantime, and on quite a different tack.

I am not sure if you are aware that when ‘Whats New‘ is clicked, as I do routinely to see, well, what’s new on the forum, the most recent member Profile post updates are also displayed. Just FGI, in case you did not realise that.
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Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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OP, I see that you have been posting elsewhere on the forum, so no doubt you will have seen my post above. I see that your latest profile post update is unchanged.

I wish your young horse well, but I won’t be making any further contributions to your posts in this thread or others.
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