Scabby Armpits and Swelling


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4 May 2020
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My horse has developed a scab-like spot in each of his armpit areas of his front legs. They don't seem to bother him, and I've read they can mostly be from sweat, or rubs (he loves to lie down in the dirt all day, but he's been doing this forever without injury, so I don't think they're rubs). Last week, the scabby area on his left leg swelled up to a big ball, and then the swelling traveled down to his knee. The ball was mostly squishy at first, now it has settled to be a little bit harder than before, I would say. I cold hosed and wrapped it to prevent the swelling from going any further, and he's been on bute for about a week. Weirdly, he was never lame or even slightly off on that left leg, despite the swelling, and the right scab has never swelled. After about four days, the swelling has gone, but I noticed today that the left scabby mark started bleeding.

I'm going to have the vet out soon for shots/coggins, but in the mean time, I was wondering if anyone had any idea what this could be. I've read a bit about sarcoids, but I'm not knowledgable enough about them to give an informal "diagnosis", if you will.

I've attached a google drive link for pictures to hopefully help illustrate what I'm describing.

Thanks so much for any opinions/advice!

Note: in one of the pictures, my horse had a bad accident about 9 years ago, so there's a big scar on his knee, that's not a new scabby patch or anything :)


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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It looks to me like it might be a capped elbow, usually caused by front hooves when they are lying down.