Scabby patch on fetlock


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19 August 2018
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I have a 32 year old TB x who has well controlled Cushings. Around July time we found her in the field stamping one hind leg uncontrollably to the point she’d really worked herself up and was wobbly through exhaustion. The vet came out as an emergency and couldn’t really work out the issue but we found a scabby area on the inside of her fetlock and so with the stamping decided to treat her for mites she had a dectomax injection and some shampoo and flamazine to put on. The dectomax was repeated 2 weeks later. This stopped the stamping but 4 months on we still have the scabby area.

The vets have been out twice more since to her and are happy for me just to keep treating as I am. They didn’t really offer much adevice other than to keep on going.

If I keep on top and gets scabs off with dilute hibiscrub daily and use flamazine if the area is dry or fucidin if oozy (as per vets advice) morning and night then I can keep it under control but if I slacken off on my regime at all even for a day then it’s back looking nasty within a couple of days with lots of scabs and sticky oozing areas.
The affected area is around size of palm of my hand the centre part of skin sometimes gets sticky and oozy too but currently is nice and dry and like normal skin just no hair, but around the edges of the area is where the scabs still are and these still form daily.
She doesn’t seem in pain or irritated by it, we’ve not seen her itching or stamping since the original episode. I genuinely don’t think she ever had mites I think it was flies around the scabs that caused the frantic stamping. The patch has got bigger since originally found but is still isolated to that one part on her leg, she’s nothing anywhere else.
Anyone dealt with anything similar? Any tips on clearing it up? What regimes did you follow? Am I ever going to fully clear it up??


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19 August 2018
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What is she fed on?
She is lacking several teeth so is on Spillers senior super mash & small handful of Alfa-A oil and a cup of micronised linseed. When it started she was turned out 24/7 she is now out in the day in at night so gets haylage over night but doesn’t eat huge quantities of it. Her diet hasn’t changed, she’s been on this regime for a couple of years now.


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19 August 2018
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Ah well, another thing to cross off. I like Wondergel on scabby areas. Seems to remove scabs without leaving it sore or greasy.
Fab thanks, I’ll take a look. Just seems whatever I’m doing now is managing it but not treating it as it comes back the second I stop. I just want it to heal up once and for all! We’ve had her 25 years and she’s never had any skin issues so it’s unknown territory but she’s old and got Cushings so I know that can predispose them to things like this.


Well-Known Member
15 April 2015
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Whilst I know that your horse doesn’t have Mallenders/ Sallenders, you could maybe try Farriers M&S cream? It’s for mallenders/ sallenders and is really good at softening and removing scabs/ healing. Hope you find something to help.