Scarcoid on eye - advice needed please!


Well-Known Member
5 January 2006
East Sussex, UK
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Hi, haven't been on here for a while! For those of you that remember, I had to retire my 9yr horse earlier this year. Since April he's been living in a very large field with two yearlings and generally having a great time. In July, literally over night, a swelling came up on the side of his eye (right on the eyelid). I called the vet who said it was probably an insect sting, give it a couple of months to settle and it should be fine.
So - 3 months later it's still there. I spoke to the vet, over the phone, who said to take him in for a scan of the eye. We took him this morning (which was very traumatic for him as he really didn't want to leave his new friends!). As soon as the vet saw him, he said "that's a scarcoid", he then called another vet in who confirmed the diagnosis.
The vets said that I have to get good digital pictures of the eye, which they will then send to a specialist in Liverpool. This specialist then sends the correct 'cocktail' of drugs - apparently called 'BCG'!? which will be injected into the scarcoid once a week for 4 weeks.
Now - I'm worried! The vet went to great lengths to tell me that in 'rare' cases this drug can cause a horse to 'drop dead' immeadiately after it is injected, and I have to sign a disclaimer to say that I understand and accept this. I know that they are only covering themselves but that really is an awful thought. It can also cause severe swelling, and cause the eye to 'close up' but this does wear off.
My dilema is - we could leave it alone, he is happpy, it is not affecting the eye itself, and hope it gets no worse. I'm not bothered about what it looks likes, only that he is OK. However, if I do this and it suddenly gets alot bigger, it would be more difficult to treat.
I think I already know that my only real option is to have these injections - but I would be grateful for peoples thoughts on this? Has anyone else had something similar? Any advice very gratefully received. Thanks.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Oh your poor horse. Are you insured????

It most likely will get bigger - and will ultimately need treatment I suspect.

I think that I would probably go for treatment now, rather than wait - but it's a touch decision.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
I have a horse who has been having the same treatment. In his case the sarcoid was about the size of a golf ball, and has nearly gone.
I guess he would have already done so, but your vet needs to check they are not affecting the second eyelid, sarcoids in this area can be confused with a carcenoma (sp?), which can result in the eye being removed.
The sarcoid will swell for a few days-week after treatment, but not a lot. It is best to leave until the swelling has completely gone before injecting again. My vet was advised by Knottenbelt to stretch the injections out for as long as he can, we are now injecting every 5 weeks.
Dont worry about cost, it is pennies. I would get it treated asap, I tried loads of different things on mine over a period of about 6 months - it got bigger and bigger. Nip it in the bud quickly and you should be rid within a couple of months.


Well-Known Member
3 July 2006
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A lady at my yard had exactly the same problem and the horse had the treatment you have described.

She had tried various other options, including all sorts of creams and potions, none worked and the Sarcoid was growing.

She had this treatment carried out in January and then it had to be repeated in Febuary as it didn't quite work (not sure of exact details).

Sarcoid completely went and she was really pleased, but, a couple of weeks ago a lump has appeared on the original Sarcoid site. She is not yet sure if this is another Sarcoid or something un-related.

Really feel for you having to go through this as it was not a pleasant experience for the horse or the owner. She had no other options though.

Don't know if this helps you or not?!


Well-Known Member
20 June 2004
I have the same problem with jonty and hers has gone worse getiing bigger and bigger. the vets coming a week today to inject into it and hopefully it will disappear after a few treatments...............


Well-Known Member
5 January 2006
East Sussex, UK
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Yes, Cody is insured. But that's another worry - as the vet originally came out in July. I didn't inform the insurers then as I was told it was only a sting - it cost £30 for the visit and that was that. I'm worried that if I put a claim in now they'll refute it, as technically, I haven't notified them within the 30 day period!

It's good to hear that these injections seem to be helping other horses - I'll get the pictures sent off ASAP and hopefully I won't have to wait too long before treatment begins.


Well-Known Member
5 January 2006
East Sussex, UK
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Well in theory I could claim from now - but they would need to know about the visit in July as they would find out anyway when they request his history. My worry is that they will say that I should have informed them after the first visit, even though I wasn't going to claim. My understanding is that you should tell your insurers about everything your vet does - even if you don't claim!? But I could be wrong..?


Well-Known Member
11 May 2005
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I wouldn't hesitate. Five years ago my horse had a sarcoid on his belly right on the girth line which rendered him unrideable. Had the injections and it completely disappeared, problem solved.