Hi all, I'm a sometime user of the forum but I've decided to post under a new account because I don't want to upset my instructor because he thinks hes sorted out my confidence issues but I don't think its him that's done that and I don't want to piss him off by saying so. I want to hear how others have dealt with confidence issues and tell me if I'm going mad!
I've had issues with my confidence for years. I came off my then horse about 3 years ago and I haven't been able to ride on my own ever since but even before that I haven't had the same confidence I had as a kid. You sort of expect that when you get older, but Laura Collett doesn't seem to have the same fear and I'm only a year older than her! Anyway, I sold my horse about five months after I came off him because I thought there's no point in continuing if I'm too scared to ride him properly but I couldn't stop wanting to get on a horse and about 7 months after I sold my boy, I bought my cob with a job and he's a bloody good boy. But he's still a horse and still has the odd spook or buck and I was still nervous and couldn't ride on my own. So, my instructor has been really good and there's no doubt lessons help but I wasn't really getting where I wanted to be and it was taking forever. Then i read a post on Blackhill Eventing about how she'd got her confidence back by seeing this therapist and it was really fast and she didn't have to go into loads of childhood stuff, so I thought I'd give it a go. That was three weeks ago. It was WEIRD. When she gave me the session, I was thinking theres no way this is going to work, but it was really odd - I just stopped feeling nervous when I thought about riding on my own. I got on my cobjob the day after and thought I'lll just see what happens and we'll just go round the block. We went out for TWO HOURS. people were phoning me I had a follow up with the therapist and she tried to make me feel the nerves again but they just weren't there. I could remember feeling scared but I can't actually feel scared, if that makes sense. Cobjob is still a bit spooky occassionally, but I just know I can ride him through it and not get my knickers in a bunch and end up like a rigid board I'm so tense. The other really weird thing is I used to be nervous abouit driving on motorways and I'm not anymore and she said its connected because the brain feels the same because we're still sitting down and going at speed.
My instructor is really pleased with me but keeps making comments about how I started listening to him, which might be true, but I don't think so
Has anyone else had this therapy? It only took two session and a follow up.
I've had issues with my confidence for years. I came off my then horse about 3 years ago and I haven't been able to ride on my own ever since but even before that I haven't had the same confidence I had as a kid. You sort of expect that when you get older, but Laura Collett doesn't seem to have the same fear and I'm only a year older than her! Anyway, I sold my horse about five months after I came off him because I thought there's no point in continuing if I'm too scared to ride him properly but I couldn't stop wanting to get on a horse and about 7 months after I sold my boy, I bought my cob with a job and he's a bloody good boy. But he's still a horse and still has the odd spook or buck and I was still nervous and couldn't ride on my own. So, my instructor has been really good and there's no doubt lessons help but I wasn't really getting where I wanted to be and it was taking forever. Then i read a post on Blackhill Eventing about how she'd got her confidence back by seeing this therapist and it was really fast and she didn't have to go into loads of childhood stuff, so I thought I'd give it a go. That was three weeks ago. It was WEIRD. When she gave me the session, I was thinking theres no way this is going to work, but it was really odd - I just stopped feeling nervous when I thought about riding on my own. I got on my cobjob the day after and thought I'lll just see what happens and we'll just go round the block. We went out for TWO HOURS. people were phoning me I had a follow up with the therapist and she tried to make me feel the nerves again but they just weren't there. I could remember feeling scared but I can't actually feel scared, if that makes sense. Cobjob is still a bit spooky occassionally, but I just know I can ride him through it and not get my knickers in a bunch and end up like a rigid board I'm so tense. The other really weird thing is I used to be nervous abouit driving on motorways and I'm not anymore and she said its connected because the brain feels the same because we're still sitting down and going at speed.
My instructor is really pleased with me but keeps making comments about how I started listening to him, which might be true, but I don't think so
Has anyone else had this therapy? It only took two session and a follow up.