Schooling seems impossible! Help me!


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27 November 2017
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I have hit a brick wall and I’m needing some advice or at least to know if other people have dealt with this before with there horse.
I own a Welsh d gelding of 17 years of age. I’ve had him 7 years. I have not since I’ve had him been able to walk, trot and canter in control or relaxed and I’m so incredibly frustrated and very emotional about it all!
when In the school in the walk, he is lovely and soft and relaxed doing lots of circles and walk halts etc and listens to my seat when asking to stand, as soon as I ask for trot he switches to a completely different pony! Head shoots up hollow back and he motorbikes round the school often breaking into an out of control canter! (I have a horrible habit of tensing up when he does this and leaning forward, which in turn then makes my lower leg swing forward) it always ends in me have to use both reins to pull back and stop him which can make him worse and then after this experience it’s very tricky to even ask for trot without this happening again and it completly unnerves me! I do 10 metre circles, leg yields, spirals etc to get him supple which he is ace in when in walk but it’s impossible to even try these in trot because I loose him completly as soon as I ask! This sadly has been going on for a good few years and I’ve not been able to walk trot or canter him in a school. I’ve thought of selling him but I can’t bring myself to do it as he is my first pony. His back, teeth and saddle are all ok. And I’ve just started to have lessons as and when my instructor can come out. I’m at a complete loss and I just want to enjoy my boy!! It breaks my heart that I feel like he has no trust in me when I’m a school.
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Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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What is he like on a hack?

What is the school surface? Could it be that the surface is deep which affects his way of going?
I think you have done the right thing by finding an instructor who can see what is happening on the ground.


New User
27 November 2017
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Hello it’s a new school of sand and rubber but I have been in different schools and the surface doesn’t seem to make a difference. He still acts the same. See out hacking he is a good boy. Don’t get me wrong he gets excited and can be strong but when I ask for trot he happily trots away it’s never out of control unless we are in open fields but it’s more excitement and being full of energy! I’ve tried schooling in a field but again he gets really tense in the trot. But normal hacking in straight lines etc he is good.
We’ve had bad back issues in the past that I got all sorted etc and still no improvement. But his back is all ok. Have had saddles not fitting well before but again I have all that fixed and sorted. He’s an angel on the ground and in every other way it’s just trotting seems to send his emotions off the roof. I’m so drained and upset about it as I really just want to get in a school and be able to have a calm straight forward schooling session. It’s always a battle! I only get to exercise him 2-4 times a week at the moment due to work and it being winter etc