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Hello, I have a 19 yr old gelding who came in from the field in April with a severe core lesion in a sdft tendon in his near side foreleg. We are 6 months on now on box rest. He had a course of indiba treatment that finished a while ago, he seemed to be healing really well but then about 3 weeks ago his knee has started shaking and he seems reluctant to straighten his leg at the knee. He can straighten it but prefers to have it slightly bent. He also seems to be dragging his toe sometimes when walking and occasionally trips up. He's on 1 hours walking in hand daily. He is still having scans monthly, the most recent one has shown a small bit of scar tissue left but the rest has healed fine. My vet seems to be a bit stumped and has offered some more indiba treatment. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what has changed please or had this experience themselves? Thank you for reading.