Season so far..


Well-Known Member
4 October 2013
West Midlands
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Just wondering how everyone is finding this season? Any new horses/achievements/disasters?

I've enjoyed some good meets so far, still finding my feet with Harvey as only taken him 4 or 5 times so far (been hunting another horse also). Last Saturday was my best day on him as found some control so felt a bit safer.

Think I might have to bite the bullet and start jumping this week!


Well-Known Member
26 May 2011
South East
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I've got a new hunting pony :thumbup: He's brilliant, we've been out five times since the opening meet - it took me a couple of times cubbing and a full day to work him out but now we're having loads of fun. His preferred style is at the front with me interfering as little as possible! He also jumps literally like a gazelle, off all four feet (he doesn't showjump like that!) it's somewhat disconcerting but I'm hoping to get used to it....


Well-Known Member
4 October 2013
West Midlands
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Glad to hear you're having lots of fun. By far my favourite time of year :D

The other horse I hunt jumps like that, almost a cat leap but slightly more graceful. Really weird, I put a neck strap on so I don't pull his mouth (It ALWAYS takes me by surprise no matter how many times I sit it!).


Well-Known Member
26 May 2011
South East
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Glad to hear you're having lots of fun. By far my favourite time of year :D

The other horse I hunt jumps like that, almost a cat leap but slightly more graceful. Really weird, I put a neck strap on so I don't pull his mouth (It ALWAYS takes me by surprise no matter how many times I sit it!).

I'm currently adopting the "sit straight up very tall and hook a couple of fingers under the breastplate" approach! I don't even have to kick on, he will literally jump anything I've pointed him at so far (we are mainly stock fences plus rail/gates/hedges country) but it still feels really odd going up like a helicopter and seeing the ground far far below me.....

My favourite time of year is late August/early September cubbing because I love being out at dawn, but this is a good time too :)


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7 March 2008
up a hill
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Jenhunt - really pleased to hear Ron will be back out soon!!

Ours is going ok - autumn hunting was a bit disorganised and slow due to changes in mastership and them finding their feet, but we now have a new field master which has greatly improved things.

We have a new hunting cob who is only 5yr but proving to be a real star. He jumps everything and even popped my first proper hedge on him at our kennels meet a few weeks ago so very chuffed with him.

The older and more experienced cob got very frustrated with AH so spent the beggining of the season bucking like a good un, but has settled back down now we are in open season. I even managed to field master at the childrens meet and he remained sensible and my son is taking him out this sat.

The ground has been quite good, verging on dry for the last few weeks, so nice to have a break from the mud, but am sure we will pay for it before this season is out.

Happy hunting!