Second hand trailers


Active Member
29 November 2006
Beds, UK.
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Can I pass on some very very important advice when considering a second hand trailer.
beside the safety aspect of checking it out.

Please do the following and anyone else considering purchasing one even from a friend.

Let me explain why. I was about to hand over cash to a fellow livery for a IW trailer approx 9 months ago but I wanted to know what age it was as he didnt know.
I had known this guy a long time and even knew the trailer since he bought it. He was selling as too small for his 17 hh horse.
Another friend said get the serial no and ring IW. I did, to be asked was it mine and I explained., they said well it is registered stolen and has been since 1996. The trailer was built 1990. Nothing wrong with that but it had in fact been into a local IW specialist and had lots of work done on it.
They should have checked it out before he spent so much money on it. He would have been told then it was registered stolen before he parted with some much money. I have since learned a lot of things happen that shouldnt happen.
IW themselves put me touch with
they are "The Equipment Register "and they keep records on all stolen trailers, lorries, quad bikes and heavy plant.
In fact over a MILLION £'s worth of equipment goes EVERY WEEK in the Uk alone.

They were very helpful but established this trailer had been paid out to the original owner for their claim when stolen and who actually only lives fairly local to us and it now was the propery of the insurance company.

He could of course taken his case through small claims and possibly win but he needed a receipt to do that. He didnt have one, so another lesson dont part for goods without a receipt.

So there you are, before even looking at one, ask for the serial no which is on the aframe. if they can not give you one, WALK AWAY. before you look at it,and save your own time. if and when you get a number ring the TER and they will tell you if it is not registered as stolen. If all clear then look at it, but check it is still the same item as the number you were given.
BUT what ever you do, do not buy any trailer no matter who owns it without making that check and tel call. IT can SAVE you a lot of heartache and embarressment plus money for something that will not be your own to own.

This guy I know now can not sell that trailer as it is well established with the TER that he is aware it is not his to sell on. If he does he makes a worse case for himself. He can either buy it off the insurance company and be further out of pocket or let it rot away in the field as it is presently doing.

I could have asked to pay the insurance company for it and taken the trailer away for myself but decided I did not want that further hassle.
I actually bought a brand new one then. I know it was mine and I knew it was safe.

The Equipment Register is on the net so google for their number.

I wish you a lot of luck in your search.

I personally have a IW505 for my RID who is approx 16.1. He is fine in it and I also take another 15.2 out but in hindsight I wished I had bought the 510 as more room.

Note I also have my postcode in large lettering on the roof, and I have also done it smaller on all 4 sides in flourcent paint so it is seen in all conditions. I have his name on the front in a decal and lots of extra flourencent stips on it so it stands out as different. I have then postcoded inside on every panel my postcode with a soldering iron.
Even if I sell it one day those marks altered will of course make it still unique. better unigue and mine then not and stolen in my book. The ER would be informed as well.
I have taken pictures of it as well and records kept of the numbers on the computer and keptbacked up.
It has a wheel clamp and hitchlocked as well as insured.


Active Member
29 November 2006
Beds, UK.
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sadly it isnt news at all ref the amount of trailer and lorry theft. It has been like this for many many years. But due to the fact we go on forums and hear more ourselves into our living room so to speak makes it seem far worse now.

the thing that is good is we can communicate better to other owners of transport and try to educate them to helping themselves not be victims as easy as some do. Certain areas of damage limitation can be applied and taking some precautions. But sadly certain folks so detirmined will still take the stuff we value so much.
But we can help ourselves make it harder and 2 areas is not feed the grey second hand market with our hard earned money and when we own the goods make it harder for them to steal it.

I belong also to Dunstable ringmaster scheme which lets us know that latest equine type crime to take place and pass as much details around as quick as possible. I encourage others to take part as much as possible.
They also warn us of areas of weakness found.
Some people think it wont happen to them so, what can help is letting them know something has gone in their area and then they might do something to help themselves.
Educate and educate cant do any harm.

I am also married to a Police Office so and more aware possibly then most.
Lets hope by the OP posting this question and my reply might just help even more to have more knowledge. I hope so.
if anyone wants any more info I am always willing to try and help.