Selfish ranting post


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26 July 2005
North East England
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Arghhh I'm just so depressed and stressed out etc right now. I don't mean to moan, well I do, but I don't want to seem selfish. But I only have one horse, he is a yearling kept at livery. I can't afford another one. I've hardly ridden for over a year. Long story short I've started having riding lessons once a week I'm that desperate to ride. There used to be another livery who let me ride her horses, which was really nice of her, but she's left now. Anyway, I'm just so desperate to ride, and people know it, yet not one of them down there would ever consider letting me ride their horse. Yesterday there was 2 people between 3 horses. They went out on the first 2, came back, put one back out in the field, got on the 3rd and went back out. Would it have been that hard for them to let me walk the other up the road with them? I hang about there most mornings, because I actually have nothing better to do. And it just frustrates me so much that people are like that. I don't like to ask because I think it's rude, but people have even said that I can ride theirs next week or whenever. But then they never mention it again. They all think I'm useless because I don't have my own horse to ride. And I hate it. I'm only 17. I've never had my own horse before, I bought my yearling as a foal last year and paid for him with my own savings, he was very cheap. I've been trying for ages to get a job, but nobody wants to know, they don't even get back to me. It's probably because I don't have my GCSEs yet, but that's hardly my fault, it doesn't mean I'm thick.
Also my yearling has been up for sale for months, I've dropped his price twice, had a few calls, one woman arranged to come and see him then never turned up and kept avoiding my calls. I've spent over £100 advertising him. He went in H&H again yesterday and I haven't had a single phonecall. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. The only way I'm ever going to get one to ride is if he's sold. He is in my signature, is he over priced? Most others like him are up for around £1,000 or more. And he has an excellent temperament etc. But nobody is even interested.
Sorry that was just a useless rant I had to let out.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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but people have even said that I can ride theirs next week or whenever. But then they never mention it again

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Then take them up on their offer. Ask them if they'd still like you to exercise their horse and ask them what day would be best for them.


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26 July 2005
North East England
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It's not like a 'you can exercise my horse' thing. It's more of a you can walk round the school on it under my supervision. And then when they say they aren't riding the horse that day, or the next day etc, when I ask, I just take the hint they don't want me to ride it.



Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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I saw your sec D in H&H and he's nice. But what's his breeding? Yo is selling 2 at the moment for 'around' the same price, but they have impeccible breeding.
TBH I would keep the yearling, as for the money you'll get for him you won't get anything to ride half decent unless you're a very good rider and can take 'anything' on.
Anyway, why not keep the yearling and work for rides at either your livery or at your riding school? Is the lack of job preventing you from keeping him?
People arent to keen on having others riding their horses, they won't be gagging to give away free rides. it's just the way it is, but maybe a change of livery will help.
You come across as rather erm, 'desperate', which if you portray this to the other liveries might be quite scary!
like I said, try the riding school for work for rides, and maybe you could keep the yearling?


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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sorry, but you are not allowed to advertise in your signature, im afraid you'l have to delete it - its in the forum T&Cs.

Otherwise i agree with Amymay - if people have said you can ride their horse then ask them. are you at a livery yard or a riding school? if you are at a riding school then maybe try helping out in return for a ride?


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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does that go for me too?


Well-Known Member
28 September 2005
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Dont be too hard on the people at your livery yard. I know from personal experience it is very hard to let anyone else on your horse. My husband has been badgering me for months to let him ride mine to supplement his weekly lessons and I have finally given in.

I let him have his first ride on Monday and I nagged him to death - I have agreed to every Monday but I suspect we will end up rowing before the summer is out.


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26 July 2005
North East England
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kate26 - I'm not expecting to buy anything decent for the money, I'll probably end up with a small unbroken pony, that I can back and sell on for a few hundred more. And keep doing that until I can afford something decent. It's not that they don't want others riding their horses, they don't want me personally riding their horses, because as I've said they think I'm useless. I don't come across as desperate to them, I keep the crazy inside, I have not once asked outright to ride someones horse, only hinted. And as I've said they occasionally say, oh you can ride blah blah next week or whenever and it never happens. And I don't ask as I don't want to sound rude.

Parisienne_Girl - I didn't know this, as I've seen loads of people advertise in their signatures, but nevermind I'll take it down anyway.

JM7 - He has three whites and a very small half sock on the other. His pedigree: click here

Sparklet - I don't say anything to their faces, I don't go around pestering them or anything like that. And they ask others ride their horses, but just not me, because as I don't have my own horse they think I'm useless and won't give me a chance.

And to everyone who said it,yes, I am desperate, and anyone who loves riding as much as me would be if you were in this situation. I'm paying for lessons I can't afford because I'm that desperate to ride. It's like the best hour of my week.



Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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i had the same sort of thing when my horse was a babe, people just assumed i didnt ride, when i would have loved to have had the offer. the YO let me ride one of her arab brood mares when she found out i actually DO ride


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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I agree with other people on here that you could do some work for your riding school for rides. Even if it is just over the summer... Also, if your livery yard does not have full livery, why not offer to do people's horses when they go away, either for a small charge or in exchange for a few rides.


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26 July 2005
North East England
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Someone else already does that. And the riding school is too far away to go more than once a week and I can't drive myself. Sorry to sound so negative but I really have been down every avenue etc. I'm just fed up and don't know why I can't sell my yearling. Is he overpriced? I just don't know.



Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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i didnt mean for the horse, i meant about the riding...i answered one when i was a kid, a woman had some pones she wanted help with and she had an ad in the local rag


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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See if you can find one to share then... there are always some in the locals rags and on the net. I would offer to help out the YO again, see what she says.


Well-Known Member
7 November 2004
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Start looking about for a horse to share/exercise...word of mouth?Make a point of asking those on your yard to keep their ears open and tell them you want something to ride and ask them if they hear of anything or know anybody let you know.....if they want any help they will respond then..if they don't then the word is spread....


Active Member
26 July 2005
North East England
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That's a good idea, thanks. I think I've just solved my problem though, I've just talking to the owner of a horse I used to share, and I might be riding it again twice a week in exchange of what I normally pay for my lesson. And she is a brilliant horse. I'm actually the happiest person ever right now. What a change lol.
Thanks everyone.



Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
sorry, but you are not allowed to advertise in your signature, im afraid you'l have to delete it - its in the forum T&Cs.

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Really???!! I thought we were allowed to in the siggie (or was it really OTT?) Lots of people do.


Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
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Aww, hon. I feel for you, I really do. What a tough situation to be in!

Have you thought about rewording your advert? I'd add in more detail about him- is he halter broken? Does he tie? Load? Wear boots? Can you get a really nice movement shot of him? Just some ideas for you.
Do you really want to sell him? You could keep him, play with ground work etc and get your fix that way. Also, have you thought about putting him out on loan? Might be an idea if you can find the right person.

Moving on, how about a part time horse job? Would that work for you? Not sure if you're interested in working with horses, but just throwing the idea out there anyway. Where can you realistically travel to?

Would something like this be any good to you?

Do you have a yard noticeboard? Can you post an ad on there, asking if anyone needs a rider? Smile and have confidence in yourself- you lad looks lovely, and you're doing a good job with him.

Sorry for the book! Good luck hon!


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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I'll start by saying that TBH, I wouldn't let someone I've not seen ride and who doesn't ride regularly on my horses, so I wouldn't be too hard on the other liveries, they are thier horses after all.
A share sounds like the perfect situation? Could you try ringing around yards and seeing if they have any space for an extra pair of hands with the chance of riding?
I don't think I've seen many yearlings at that price, but I'm not experienced in that market at all. Is he well handled etc.?