New User
Hi I wonder if anyone could help / advise ? I went last week to try a horse . I liked him and the seller said he had loads of viewing so he would like a deposit, the horse was priced at £9500 . I offered him £350 and he accepted it . I did feel a little pressured but I was happy. When I got in the car I thought right this horse is 14 going on 15 , I’ll organise a vetting. I immediately contacted the seller to advise and obviously book the vet in . Literally half an hour later the seller called to say he didn’t take enough deposit and insisted that I pay another £600 . I did .. I was happy. A day later I had his partner asking what time the vet was coming , was it a 2 star or 5star ? I went for 5 star , she then said the horse is no spring chicken and things could flare up ??? Any way he did fail the vetting but on lameness on the back leg , 1/10 not much … but she was not happy, she also said he was very overpriced in her opinion. I called the seller and he was angry. I said could he reduce the price as now the insurance company said they would not insure the horse because of the vetting.He was very angry and messaged /rang nearly 15 times that evening, saying I was backing out and I will not receive a penny back from him. What do I do ? He’s telling me he’s sold the horse then saying he’s still got him and isn’t selling him to anyone!! Then he’s telling me to listen to him and buy the horse ! The sad thing is I really did want him but with what has been said I really feel there is something not right ? I need advice..