Selling Private


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2 June 2006
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My friend who used to be on same yard as me sold her horse due to illness (long term), horse was quiet schoolmaster type, no show horse or comp horse but 100% for novice.
People came to see him on a Sunday, wanted him, turned up with trailer and cash next day and took him. No vetting or anything.
She had said to them, she would have him back where practical (she is struggling with cancer) as she loved the horse and it was a sad sale. Her illness was the reason for the sale.
Anyway, now over couple months later they called her agressively and demanded she take him back and give them their money back - not because he isn't as she described him to ride, but he is naughty to handle. A behaviour my friend never experienced, she used to have him on full livery so if he had been naughty then the livery yard would not have entertained keeping him.
New owners calling him dangerous and are now threatening my best friend with court action.
In the experienced people's opinion on here - what come back do they have?
As you can imagine for her it's very stressful and I'm trying to help her all I can.


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16 December 2004
East Yorkshire
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I would imagine there is very little come back. There would be more had she been a dealer.

I have no personal experience but surely had this been a serious problem they would have noticed earlier than 2 months down the line!

Personally i dont think they have a leg to stand on but thats me!!


Well-Known Member
25 July 2005
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I dont honestly know the legal implications in this case, but it must be very stressful for your friend who is very ill.... for her own peace of mind I would be tempted to buy him back, after all if she cared for the horse she wouldnt want him to be in the hands of someone who didnt want him and were calling him dangerous. We were in a similar position once and bought the pony back.

Sorry, this isnt much help!



Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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They have no come-back whatsoever. She sold the horse, they have had it for 2 months....end of story! They are probably useless idiots who don't know one end of the horse from another!

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
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I don't think they have any come back, they should have mentioned any problems as soon as they started. Horses often behave differently with new owners and it could be something as simple as lack of routine and a change of diet that has tipped this horse over the edge.

this is such a common problem and probably the cause of most of the cases of disputes in horse sales.

It would be lovely to buy the horse back to ensure it has a good home and is settled again but the reality is that this horse may have been spoilt or injured in the last eight weeks in a way that has changed him forever. If she was to consider this course of action she should really have it vetted to exclude any physical problems that could cause such a change in personality

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
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More than likely that its new owners, who dont know how much it cost to keep a horse, commitments either, so are no deciding to get rid.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quite right, it did occur to me with the weather changing, that they might just have gone off the idea


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2 June 2006
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That's the problem, she can not due to ill health buy him back (she's going thru intensive treamemt at mo). They wrote her a called saying that she was ill when she sold the horse and said she would have him back so she has to stand by her word.
It's really quite awful!!!
Thanks for answers I never thought of any of those things, any could be right, who knows.
Do you think they are just trying it on then as a way to get rid of him quick? Some people are odd.
I did think with it being a private sale that there are no come-backs, I mean they turned up the next day with cash and just took him!
Above all this, the heart breaking thing is my friends health, and I knew the horse well and he was always a gent to handle and ride, her kids rode/ handled him. These people promised him a home for life!

Thanks for the comment about him possibly picking a habit/behaviour up there. I do think routine, the way they are handled. feed and perhaps if ridden badly could all affect their nature.


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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Don't worry about it. The new owner has absolutely no comeback whatsoever! They can threaten court action if they want, a)It will cost them money b) any solicitoer would advise them not to try fighting a case they cannot win. They are trying bluster to scare your friend with that threat.

There is no legal reason for her to take him back, she may feel that she wants to 'save' him from the new owners & find him a better home, but that is a matter for her. Again I must emphasise there are no legal grounds to actually return the money and have the horse back.

The new owners, being novices, probably didn't realise the commitment in both time, effort & money in keeping a horse & they want to bale out of horse ownership.