Sending horse out on loan??!!


10 August 2015
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I have been thinking of sending my daughter's mare out on loan as she has lost interest and I don't have time to ride/compete her as much as I would like to.

I have been recommended by my riding instructor about a family that are looking for something to compete in dressage as the girl has outgrown hers. She doesn't know the family directly but knows the yard owner and also knows that the mum has been trained by a top dressage rider. I feel a bit happier going with this family (obviously after they have all ridden and hopefully get on)

I have both the contact numbers for the yard owner and family.

What sort of questions would you ask the yard owner??

And also what would you consider cost wise? And what would you put in a contract?

Please help me!!! xx


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5 January 2008
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Well firstly it's probably best if this family comes out to see the horse so they can be sure she's suitable for what they want and you can be sure of their ability and how they would manage the mare. I personally wouldn't approach their YO until I knew they were interested in loaning your horse, and even then it's probably not necessary unless the loaners can't answer specific questions about the running of the yard, or your mare has specific requirements.

You mention your instructor knows their YO so I would assume you're considering the mare moving yards and them full loaning her, in which case the loaners would take on full costs for the mare (although I would probably keep the mare insured via my own policy for peace of mind) rather than them paying you a fee to loan her. The BHS have a great loan agreement which you can find here - which I would use as the starting point.

Best of luck, it sounds like a lovely home :)


10 August 2015
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Thank you for your help!

I feel confident at this stage as I have recommendations and my instructor is also the ponies breeder and would know she wouldn't suggest if it wasn't up to her standards.

Will not doing anything until i'm 100% happy with both the daughter and mum are confident


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16 February 2009
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Have a look at the BHS website as they've got some pro forma loan agreements on there which might be helpful to you.

If you'd like to PM me, I can e-mail you a loan agreement which I used for my boy when I loaned him out a few years ago.

I think you need to have a look at the yard and have a chat with the both the prospective YO plus the loaner and her family.

I'm very cagey I have to confess; I loaned my boy to an equestrian college which was fine, and he thoroughly enjoyed himself there and was well cared for. But then I did a private arrangement and loaned him out to a stoopid numpty girl who, only five weeks into the loan, said she "couldn't afford it anymore".

Having said that, this loan sounds like it might just be a good arrangement.

"COMMUNICATION" is the key to any good loan working out and if you can all communicate now, and keep talking, that's the best way to ensure everything will be straightforward.

Good luck anyway!

PM me if you'd like to see the loan agreement I used; I personally wouldn't ever consider any loan without one.