Seperation anxiety, what to do ??


Well-Known Member
20 June 2005
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Since having Ginger back he has proved nearly impossible to handle when on his own. He frets in the field by himself, so much so that he injured himself two weeks ago and has the vet twice a week ever since.

If I take him to the yard he frets and panics if he can't see the others, this is making life very difficult to deal with him or Storm. There are only four horses on the yard in total, if the farrier or vet visit for Ginger I have to get them both in otherwise he is impossible to handle, and at five months pregnant I feel this is getting dangerous.

Any suggestions please?


Well-Known Member
3 July 2006
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i have this problem with my mae. i have put her on salt which really seems to be working, as it calms her down to an extent wher i can work safely with her (she is 4yrs old and has never been out of a natural heard environment- she was just left to her own devises and was never handled)

just time is all he needs. if you do get desperate read any richard maxwell book as they used stunningly obvious logic. just i never looked at it that way before!!!!!!

is there any chance of getting him a goat or sheep or anything that can be "his" compainion?


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
Perhaps borrow a mini shetland or old pony as a permanant companion?
Sometimes you have to sort of ride out the stress problem awful though it is for the horse.
By that I mean bring him inside into a stable with a stout metal grill on the top door and leave him in for a few days..yes he will scream, run round, sweat etc, but eventually will pack it in..
One of our welsh cobs will scream and dance etc if brought in alone, we find the above method works for quite a while once they accept they can't always be part of a group. if this horse is hurting himself attempting to leave the field you will have to bring it in first, though in your condition not idal I'm sure.
Can you send one of them away to other grazing for a few months to break up the bond?