Seriously stroppy mare


Well-Known Member
5 January 2013
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Hello! I've had my mare about 8 months now. She has a very annoying habit where if she doesn't want to work she throws her head up. She doesn't tend to do it when doing fun stuff such as jumping or at shows it's mainly when schooling or on a hack when she doesn't get her own way ie she wants to tank off and I won't let her. She's done it with my instructor and previous owner said she sometimes did with them so I'm sure it's not me.

I've tried resisting the head toss and releasing contact when she stops but it hasn't helped.

She's been thoroughly checked out by Rossdales and the only thing they could find was slightly inflamed hocks which have been treated, and mild uptake in her neck due to a slightly enlarged bone but they were v relaxed about it. She has chiropractor and physio regularly and she's happy with her. Teeth checked. New saddle. Ridden in loose ring lozenge snaffle and I've tried other bits to no avail. In short I'm sure it's defiance! Anyone had any similar experiences? Any suggestions to stop her doing this? Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
You tell a gelding, you ask a mare (nicely) and you negotiate a suitable settlement with a stallion, lol!

I have a LOT of young mares in work at present - the geldings fly off the shelf. Mares take a little longer. Occasionally it's only when they come into season, sometimes there might be an anovulatory follicle (and that can cause a lot of pain) - and in relatively rare cases, Granulosa Theca Cell tumour (although thankfully none of mine have had one of those!). A GTC tumour actually produces testosterone - and the first seen sign is a mare mounting other mares.

And of course behavioural problems can be unrelated to sex - it just happens to be a mare. One of mine was a bit grumpy and taking time to get her balance - nothing else - until I caught a whiff of her breath - it stank!! She had managed to shatter an upper rear tooth - with resultant infection. A long way back from the bit so there were no problems with her acceptance of the bit (we think she picked up a rock - and chomped on it.) Tooth was remved - and weeks of care to get the huge hole healing - came back into work 2 days ago absolutely perfect!

Ask her, ask her nicely - and ask her nicely again. Along the way, keep a check on her seasons and see if her behaviour is any worse when she IS in season. And check her breath, lol.


Well-Known Member
30 March 2015
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Not sure why your instructor isn't giving you a training plan to overcome this issue? As you have ruled out physical cause, and as she has done it in the past and with others, it is just a matter of re-schooling to increase acceptance of the aids.
Takes time and patience, but she sounds lovely otherwise :)