Sharer - would this be viable


Well-Known Member
7 June 2006
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Thinking of possibly getting a sharer for my pony as a) am single parent to a demanding toddler b) pony is fat and needs the work and c) I HATE winter and am very lazy when it is cold and wet.

Was thinking about it today, I would probably be offering 3 days p/week including a Saturday. Sharer would basically hack pony out. I have no facilities, just a muddy field and although I have a schooling area, pony is not easy to school on the flat and I would probably not want someone doing this with him.

Pony is fab to hack, forward going, responsive and sensitive. 100% in traffic and although can be spooky, responds well to firm, kind riding and doesn't do anything stupid. I hack him down A-roads without worries. Hacking round me is good, mostly quiet roads with a few nice bridles paths within easy distance (20mins ish). He's a really fun ride, would suit small adult or *mature* teen (don't want him ragged). He's 14hh, quite stocky.

For this 3 day share, I would want about £25p/month, 50% of farrier paid (he's barefoot) plus all the poo-picking done. Field is about an acre, two ponies on it. I currently poo-pick once a week and take out 5 wheelbarrows so it isn't a monumental task. Just a bit of a pain when I'd like to use all my grandparent babysitting credits to ride!

Wondering if this arrangement would suit someone and if it sounds reasonable, or if people these days would be looking for shares with 'facilities' or less 'work'. I don't even have a stable, pony is usually tacked up on my parents' driveway, we're very rough and ready! Am wondering if people more used to riding school/livery environments might be a bit put off or if I'm actually offering quite a good deal?


Well-Known Member
21 September 2010
Sittingbourne, Kent
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I think that sounds reasonable.

I pay £40 a month, ride 3 days a week and poo pick on my days. I only hack (although that is my choice, I could school if I wanted too but we don't have a school at the yard so would have to pay a hire fee to use the on up the road).

I also buy little bits and bobs (eg, treats, mane & tail, new buckles for rugs etc) for the horse but again that is my choice-owner has never asked and doesn't expect me to do that.


Well-Known Member
31 July 2009
south west devon
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Sounds reasonable.....I part loan a pony out. Basically they can only ride and see to her at weekends and holidays. They pay mne £10 a week and half her shoeing, she's shod in front. Its a great compromise for a little pony and keeps them ticking over!


Well-Known Member
7 June 2006
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Thanks for replying,

to be honest, the poo picking is the only thing I really want done. I don't think I would mind too much if sharer wasn't able to contribute to costs as long as they could do this one job for me as it eats into my very limited ride time (has to be done when parents are not at work, ie weekend - which is also only chance to ride).

Do you think anyone would go for a 'free' share in return for keeping my field poo-free?


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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I think you're way more likely to get someone if you offer it free in exchange for poo-picking. When I shared my horse as a teen, I only asked the person to do the chores on their days, no money changed hands.