

Well-Known Member
30 October 2006
you advertise everywhere and see what you took me about 3 years to find a fab sharer, who doesnt actually get time for turn out etc but reliably rides and contributes financially three times a week, freeing up my time for the other two!

They are like rocking horse poo poo...


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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I have a friend that has taken over one of my horses. As she is young, broke but gifted I cover the financial side and do most of the work. She on the other hand house sits for me, taking care of everything, even taking business phone calls etc when i need her to.

Occasionally she pays towards something, but generally I dont accept money, as she is reliable, completely trustworthy and there when I need her.

Our arrangment works well, we ride out together all the time, she is wonderful company and as it's my own yard, without her, I would have no-one. I like the non payment etc, because I am still in charge of my own horse and she does everything to how I like it. I repay her with the use of a nice horse and taking her to shows etc.

I think when money comes into it, things alter very much. Before this friend, I had a student come and help out for payment and there was no friendship at all. Everything I asked for was billed, she would calculate to 5 minutes and when I had to go away, her fee for coming down once a day in the summer to check the horses over and do the water was a stupid amount.


Well-Known Member
7 August 2006
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yup - advertise everywhere you can and see what comes up - also make it clear in your advert that feeding, mucking out etc are also required. I advertised for a sharer a while back, more just to have someone to ride out with more than anything else, and had plenty of folk who wanted to ride - not so many who want to get up at 7am on a saturday morning and turn out...

however, I did find someone through word of mouth who gives me a small contribution towards livery- her choice - but comes up 5 nights a week without fail and enjoys the care side as much as the riding... they do exsist!!!

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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My sharers only contribute a tiny amount financially - shoe money basically, but do help out with all the chores as well as riding pretty much whenever they want. This is the best arrangement for me


Well-Known Member
6 August 2006
West Sussex.
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I think wording and any photos mean quite alot in sharing because they deside what sort of people you are aiming for I.E a little short hairy pony even if an adults ride will cry for a child *normaly just off riding schools because bord or unhorsey but want joy ride for few hours* Then if you have a horse whos well turned out will aim for those who cant taken on a whole responsibly of a horse but want the next best thing!


Well-Known Member
31 October 2006
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I am a sharer, deceided to get back into horses after uni, but can't afford own yet. Maybe look for someone who has owned before. I enjoy the looking after as much as the riding! It's like being a part-time owner!! If I was you I would look for adverts locally before advertising. I got off my bum and put up adverts at R.Cs and livery yards. You might get someone a bit more motivated that way! Good luck.