

Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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As title.

Am currently mulling this over as an option, though at the moment I'm not sure if it's what I want, but I wonder if its the better option for Till's?? Other suggestions (baring in mind I am not prepared to move yards and we have no schooling facilities and the field is just too boggy to ride in at night at the moment - this had been my original plan!) appreciated :)

Despite getting every Thurs and Fri and alternative Tuesday afternoons off work/work from home I am finding that I am struggling to ride in the week, as invariably I am not leaving work before 3pm on those days (if not later!). I've also been offered a fair bit of overtime running intervention programs on the Thurs and Fri afternoons and quite frankly the extra cash is too useful to turn down. However, I feel very guilty about not getting my girl out in the week and furthermore it is making it impossible to build up her fitness.

So first question is how likely am I to find a suitable sharer:

  • I'd be wanting someone to hack out 2-3 times a week but preferably not Tues and Thurs as I'd like to keep these days flexible for me to do something if home (obviously would be happy to communicate and if I know I'm not going to be able to then let sharer have the option - sharer could in this instance ride extra days rather than swapping days)
  • Would need to be competent and confident but also a sensitive rider. Someone who would work her correctly without wrecking her mouth or brain would be essential. (I would rather someone hack her out on a loose rein than force her into an outline if that makes sense, but not a RS numpty)
  • Don't have schooling facilities (bar a field) so someone who is happy to hack is fine but equally someone who would school while hacking would also be great!
  • No stable chores would be required (though the occasional skip out would be appreciated ;) )
  • I would ask a small contribution towards costs - I was thinking around £20/week to go towards shoeing/feed etc. because imo people look after things better if they have to pay something and I really would resent funding a horse for someone else to ride, especially given I wouldn't be asking for help with chores.
  • Rider would have to have own insurance and be happy to sign a disclaimer
  • There would be some possibility of competing/RC/(PC if older teenager - I wouldn't consider anyone younger than 17 though)
  • Horse is 95% an absolute dream to hack but is an opinionated mare (absolute sweety to handle on the ground) and is green due to lack of mileage and can be tricky if she does take exception to something - she just needs patience, firmness and gentle coaxing coupled with praise if she does decide something is going to eat her - which is rare - but in the wrong hands she will take the pee and then thinks she can get away with it which would leave me with a problem which from experience is a nightmare to fix (she never took exception to anything until I made a mistake in who I let ride her, and that was only a few rides!). She also has a good buck in her and will chuck a few in if doing fast work. These are the reasons which put me off letting someone else ride her and make me question whether I'd find someone truely suitable.

Does that sound like something someone may be interested in or does it sound unlikely I would find someone reliable, sensitive and competent enough (I realise a lot of people who have these qualities and a spare £20/week probably have their own horses or will want to do more than I could offer).

The other thing is that this may well only be a short term loan as come the summer I will (hopefully!) have the evenings to ride. If I did find someone absolutely super then I would reconsider this.

Next question (assuming it does sound likely I could find someone suitable) - where to advertise?

Ta muchly :)


Well-Known Member
12 June 2011
The Yard...
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Based on your location, I think you could absolutely find someone! I have several friends at university in G'Shire doing equine courses, I believe it has a very good reputation for all things horsey. Not many students will be able to afford their own, or those who do may want to take on something different in their spare time. Also might be worth seeing if any colleges near to you do horsey courses, again there will be plenty of people there desperate to get in some none riding school riding, and at £20 that is a fraction of the price.

If not a student, there are lots of people out there, particularly at this time of year, who cannot afford their own or riding school. Several people may have had to give up their own neds, so you are providing a real oppertunity...not everyone likes riding a ploddy noddy :)

Pop a few ads on FridayAd, equineadverts, Pre-Loved, and see what sort of responses you get, but make sure you are honest and you should get the right kind of person interested. You will get some odd ones (I got plenty!) but you will find someone. Just go with your gut instinct, if you dont think they are right, then they most likely wont be. And how your girl reacts is also a good sign...I had a sharer who my boy completely took the pee out of, wouldnt let her mount, wouldnt school nicely, barged through her, then when she watched me ride she was convinced I was on another horse...Whereas he happily worked for sharer number 2 and gave her so much happiness and confidence...clever ned :)

Anyway (sidetracked a tad) you will find someone, I am sure. And ignore the horror stories, it really can work out fantastically well!

Kellys Heroes

Well-Known Member
13 May 2010
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Sounds like my share mare ;)
I started off slowly with her letting her get to know me etc and now we're fine :) (this is 5 years on...and before Kelly, I shared ladys other pony for 3 years!)

I'd say go for it, I'm sure LOADS of people would be looking for exactly this! Just remember, at the end of the day she is your horse and you (and her) have to be happy with a new sharer :)
K x


Well-Known Member
12 July 2010
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Good luck finding a sharer, I've been advertising for one for a good 2 months now and the only people I have replying are not suitable for my horse. It's a nightmare.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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I'm based in Glos, just north of the s. glos/glos border. Unfortunately I think this is too far from the local equine colleges.

Would of course be 100% honest and would no way let anyone share her who I did not feel completely happy about. I think I'll put some feelers out through word of mouth and go from there. Its not essential, we can always build on the fitness later in the year and if we have drier weather then there is no reason I cant work her in the field after work but it would make things easier, I think!

Koko - good luck to you too!


Well-Known Member
5 September 2008
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It sounds like a really good opportunity for someone with the spare time to have some very reasonably priced riding time. However I would suggest that you get a written contract together and both sign it so that you know excatly who is doing what. Things like who pays vet bills or insurance excess if your horse is injured whilst being ridden for example. I always agreed with any sharers that they would pay half the excess if an accident occurred whilst the horse was in their care, but nothing if it was in mine. At least that way you know where you stand. Oh and definitely get them to sign a disclaimer in case they're injured!

Good luck, hope you find someone really nice.