We have 28 - Jacob/cross, they are a big help with grass although a real pain at shearing time as we do our own! We also get lambs every year, so sweet.
I've never owned a flock of sheep (we did own one though, LOL!!) but in the UK I always had a neighbouring farmers sheep come in after the horses had vacated a field. They are great for species-rotation and keep worms down.
I'll just hijack your tread..... does anyone keep llamas with horses?
Having a chat with my sister's pot. inlaws who breed them. Was thrilled to hear they are toilet trained, don't need feet trimming or shearing and respect electric fences... sound like the perfect animal!
I don't own them, but persuade the farmer to put sheep in Chex field to keep the grass down. My friend got 2 orphan lambs last year, and one is a horror! She grew big horns nd now chases people, dogs etc out the field. You either run, or get gored!
We had 1 pet orphan lamb and he was a joy, followed me around everywhere and loved hugs. We called him Larry (i know not very original). He died after a couple of years and I was so sad !! I try not to make pets of them now and this may not be for the squeamish but we do eat our own meat. My thoughts are at least we know where they come from and that they have had a good life.
we have sheep on our land and we also put them on the fields once horses have moved they have done wonders for the grazing and there little feet patter the ground down nicely so rolling is easier i get someone in to shear them for us but watch out with the paper work as its a nightmare and disposal if the unfortunate happens get this checked out so you are prepared also worming and fly spray stuff can be costly. we are selling ours and having someone else bring there sheep in its cheeper and less time consuming that way but thats at my place
have fun in your new venture
We've got two sheep who are going to be chops soon. They keep the fields very good. I think, they think, they are ponies though. Its very funny to see the ponies running around with two sheep running as fast as they can behind.
Yep we have 800, lol. They are brilliant to keep your grazing in tip top condition they even prevent the growth of ragwort!! I recommend to anyone with horses to get a couple of sheep its unbelieveble how well they keep the grazing so nice.
However, i hated them when the lambs ate my ponies tail twice!!! I cried when i saw her, they'd eaten it right up to her dock!!! Although stupid pony for letting them do it! lol
I was thinking of getting a couple of sheep to cross graze as told they eat the rubbish horses won't and encourage regrowth of good grass.
Do you need a licence/passport for sheep after foot and mouth scare??
You need a licence to move the sheep but no licence is needed to own the sheep. Sheep also don't have any passports like cattle and horses, but just have ear tags to identify them as a certain farmers.
can you put sheep in with horses? PResumeably standard post and rail wouldn't keep them in?
would love to have a few but not sure if I could kill them!
We get sheep in for a few weeks in the summer to tidy the fields up, They do a marvellous job of tidying up after horses.
They also do a great job of trashing anything out in the field (Showjumps etc)!!
The sheep go in with the horses. They mix just fine.
Yes, you do need fencing that is suitable for Sheep and that may not be the perfect fencing for horses but we've never had a problem so long as the top is electric tape.
yes ours mix with the horses but some cheeky ones will chase the sheep and we have stock fencing with plain wire then electric wire this keeps everything in post and rail is not enought but all you do is take the bottom and middle rail off then insert stock fence to the posts then re apply the rails this way tou keep everything in and the nice look if it too.
yes you need a movement record and all must have tags so they can be idintified (keep a record of what these are) also you will need a holding number for the property go to the DEFRA web site that should tell you what you need to know
We have sheep to keep the pastures clean as well. They are kept seperately with electric net sheep fencing but one of our ownbred ewes has a desire to be a showjumper and jumps out when she's bored - and takes her two lambs with her. I spend days of agonies at lambing time trying to keep the little pests safe and alive and then by the time they are "teenagers" and busy trashing everything in sight I'm only too pleased to kill them and have them taking up freezer space instead!
One thing you ladies will be interested in: we have a local sheepfarmer come in and shear our small flock. He's tall, dark, handsome and muscley with a lovely smile and all his tanned muscles on display in a skimpy t-shirt. OOOoooooooooooooH!
I would love to, but looked into the paper-work (defra) side of things and new stock fencing issues and was put off. I only wanted six and the costing and maintance of sheering etc were'nt worth me going into it.
i'm personaly against the electric sheep mesh as a couple of years ago through the night a lamb got its small horn hooked in it poor little bugger must have jumped the wrong way and got tangled in at he was gone when we found him so since then have used proper wire stock fence i threw att the electric stuff out.
and yes since foot and mouth it is now a nightmare to own just a few sheep its cheeper and easier to borrow someone elses we are selling ours for that reason.