She's back with results and photo's..


Well-Known Member
6 September 2004
East Midlands
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Well all of you lovely peeps that have been following Shannon's illness we picked her up from the vets Tues night. - Quick update she has had high liver enzymes for the past 6 weeks and suddenly went stiff on her back leg -. The first area they nerve blocked was the hock, as she has got an old kick injury from 14 months ago and much to the vets surprise they put her on lunge and she went round very happy so they found it on first port of call. Then they did some Xrays, that shown the bones were fine, no signs of arthritis but very very slight damage to the edge of a her hock joint round where the fiborous(sp) mass from the kick had built up. Then they did the scans and you could see where the fiborus(sp) mass had started to spread an was starting to affect a ligament and a build up of fluid was also adding pressure. This really has taken us by surprise, both myself and vet didn't think the lameness would have been caused by this old injury. She is having some laser treatment to try and break it down and phisiotherepy to help with muscle wastage where she has been compensating, then going back in for more scans in a month to see how it has progressed. If the vet isn't happy then they are going to inject steriods. I hope this all makes sense to you as i'm rubbish at explaining things by text!
Her are some photo's of the lump..
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Well done if you have got this far...
I have just had her blood test results back and the liver enzymes have slightly gone up again which we are quite dissapointed about as we were hoping they would nearly be back to normal as she is a lot brighter in herself. The vet is going to retake them in a couple of weeks. If they haven't come down of have risen more then they also want to look further into that.
Big hugs for my girl please she is feeling very sorry for herself as you can tell by the photos.

Thanks for reading!