She's clipped!!!


Well-Known Member
30 March 2006
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Hi everyone, I don't know if any of you remember my post earlier on in the week about me having the dentist out this week to my new horse and then the clipper man out all in one week, (after being warned by her previous owner never to clip her because she's dangerous)! well for the dentist she was a star, then last night when he came in with his clippers she shot to the back of the stable, had a few snorts, then stood like a donkey, I am soooo proud of her, she had to be twitched for her face to be done because that was a bit too close for comfort!
So here I am a very proud mummy, of a very smart horse...
Can't wait to go out for a ride today on a horse that wont sweat...
No point to this post really, a bit self indulgent
Kate x