Shes not right!


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
South East
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Had a lesson on Blue last night, and she was going pretty well, got her like elastic in walk and trott... but when i cantered her she went mental, her legs were everywhere, she kept changing her legs and kept trying to run into trott! She hasnt done this for a long time, we thought she was getting excited due to a jump being up so i attempted the jump a couple of times and allthough jumping it she got wrong strided and kept trying to run into trott again. (I had a canter pole out and she still got wrong strided!)
So beleiveing it was me being rubbish for her i got Layla my instructor on her, she had exactly the same problems, and Layla can normally correct it if its naughtyness.
But Layla pulled her up and said shes not right Claire, shes not 100%. I had been thinking this for the past week but knowing im over protective of her i thought i was just making excuses for her.
She just tensed right up all over as if she was in pain, but its weird as she went so well in trott??
Any ideas of what it could be?
Im gonna call my vet today to ask her advice!
very sad mummy x


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2 January 2005
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Well her back would of been my first thought and it doesn't take a lot for them to put it back out so may be worth another call out.

What about her teeth??

It could be a number of things but i would check the usual first then maybe rest her and see what she is like after a couple of days/week. If she is still the same then i would call the vet.


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
South East
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Her teeth are done evry 6 months and are due in October/November. I really dont think its her mouth as im sure this would hurt her in walk and trott to. My first thought was also back as it could be the extra movement in canter that hurts her thats not used in walk and trott... just seems strange as she hasnt long had her back done. But like you say they are easy to put out and she is highly strung anyway, she could of done it in the field or anywhere.
Im gonna speak to my vet tomorrow for advice (Shes not at work today and theres only one i trust whole heartedly for an honest opinion) Plus she knows Blue and she has been our vet for 20 odd years. She might advice me to get the back lady out or she might want to come out herself as she knows i dont ring unless im worried.
We'll see, just hope my poor baby is ok!
I'll rest her until i know whats up.
Do you think i should do anything with her? Light lungeing or maybe a very light hack.. walking only??
Or just leave her to chill out?


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14 February 2006
South East
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Do you know im not 100% sure what she is... I think Chiro, but id have to check tbh.
(How bad is that.. she was reccomended and she seemed to do a good job) Blue went much better for a few weeks, but i have noticed her getting grumpy when i put her saddle on again, which had got a lot better although not perfect since i had her back done.
Her saddle has also been checked and reflocked about three weeks ago.
Wish they could speak!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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It still sounds like her back to me but i'm no expert!!

Think i would completly field rest her until she is checked again and speak to your vet for advise in the meantime.


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
South East
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Ellie beast - have had a saddle done and reflocked as said above, Amandacolvine - never tried that, where can i get info from?
Thanks Kelly 1982 thanks for your advice much appreciated, will give her some time out until all is checked over.
Your advice is much appreciated!
Thankies xx


Well-Known Member
7 August 2006
Central Scotland
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Look at There will be a list of qualified Equine Body Workers in your area. The site will also give you info on the benefits of sports massage for horses.
I'm doing my training at the moment so my horse is now a very happy horse with all this massage! :)

If you are really concerned then i would recommend getting the vets advice before doing anything else.