Horse is a friends horse that she is selling but she has offered him to me at reduced price. I would have him for my boyfriend to BSJA is of very good breeding and has a serious future ahead of it. Both conditions are very mild but just wondering if its worth taking the risk?
My lad has a mild shiver in his near hind. I feed a high oil diet and its not proving to be any problem.
That said, as I have grown attached to him I do now worry that it will one day start to degenerate.
Would I still buy him in hindsight. YES!
BTW, he is a grade B showjumper.
Nobody has ever categorically said for sure, but we 'suspect' that Trike has a slight shiver in his o/s hind. Can he jump ? Hell yes ! Would i buy a horse with the problem in future ? If it did the job and the price was right then yes...but be aware that it can be a problem in later life
So if you were me would you go for it? I mean he is very very talented and I don't want to pass the opportunity up if these minor problems arent going to bother him. This horse could take my boyfriend to where he wants to be. His shiver is very slight and the farrier is very good with him. Its the stringhalt I'm not so sure about....I mean speaking to one of my lecturers at college they said quite a few horses have a mild form of it and its never noticed unless they are vetted for sale? He had the shiver when she bought him but has just developed the stringhalt in the same leg? So confused about what to do........ :S
I don't know much about the stringhalt side of things to be honest...i have always heard shivers and stringhalt used interchangeably anyway
Only you can decide if the price / potential benefit / long term issues are something you are prepared to live with. Remember, if you do ever tneed to sell the horse on, it may be more difficult