Shocked and saddened


Well-Known Member
8 February 2009
In the Valleys, oh what's occuring..
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I am rather saddened reading the hunting part of the HORSE AND HOUND forum, to find posts from the annoying idiots that worm their way out of rocks to attempt to ruin hunts (and not successfully I may add - he he he). As this is a magazine of hunting origins I find it difficult to understand why these numpties are allowed to post - I understand freedom of speech but surely there is a nice fluffy forum they can spread their venom elsewhere. My father is a Field Master in a hunt in Wales - it was featured in a programme The Hunt and they were recently in Horse and Hound. Hunting always has been and I certainly plan it to always be a part of my life. My 6 year old daughter is keen to follow as well!!

I just wanted to add my piece as pro hunting as there appears to be an awful lot of anti.......Fight the Ban!!!


Well-Known Member
26 March 2009
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If you're "shocked and saddened" by internet posts from antis, I strongly suggest you have a lie down and then perhaps have a sweet tea. You're clearly a delicate child and should stop reading the nasty posts here. When you're feeling recovered have a beaker of gripe water to get you going again!


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14 July 2001
N. Ireland
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The hunting forum was quite a nice place for a while (post ban), and could be relied upon for decent knowledgeable advice for hunting newcomers, and hunt reports.

Lately I fear it has gone sadly downhill again.

Methinks the antis are perhaps feeling a tad threatened.



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15 October 2007
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Hi Aidybex - I don't object to anyone putting their views on this forum, lots of anti's do post sensible, interesting comments and I agree that everyone has a right to their opinions.

I don't like some of the posts that appear to be put on here just to provoke a reaction or that stereotype anyone that is pro as a blood thirsty person who gets pleasure from torturing animals.

I'm always surprised that the anti's who have this view of hunters don't look at the other parts of the forum and see the love, pride and concern that everyone has for their animals.

Sometimes the provocative posts do get a different reaction than the poster may have hoped. There was a horrible spiteful post by bunce a couple of years ago that took my breath away with it's content. It inspired me to join the Countryside Alliance there and then to show them some support.

Just to add, I have never been hunting, but hope to in the future when I am a better rider!!


Well-Known Member
26 March 2009
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Excellent, aidbyex. You've passed the first hunting forum hurdle: don't let the antis wind you up. I expect great things from you.


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15 April 2009
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"I'm always surprised that the anti's who have this view of hunters don't look at the other parts of the forum and see the love, pride and concern that everyone has for their animals"

I do and I must admit I'm confused I dont understand how you can love your horse and dog but enjoy watching other animals being torn apart.

I've never understood that bit, I understand hunting, I understand the anti piont of view but could never understand that bit. :confused:


Well-Known Member
28 July 2005
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If anti's aren't allowed to post in the Hunting Forum, can we have our own? So the pro's in one room and the anti's in another. That'll be really grown up won't it. I haven't been in this room before because i'm strongly anti and find not getting involved is the best way to go but so far every post by an anti has been shot down in flames, incredibly rudely, by a pro.

What you hunters do makes people very angry. Don't be surprised and arrogant when people object to your behaviour.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2007
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Ugly dog - I am probably not the best person to explain this, as I haven't yet been hunting but I think that no hunter would love and relish seeing an animal torn apart.

People who hunt may do so for the love of seeing hounds working, or to enjoy riding through the countryside, or to give their horses a wonderful day out, many different reasons.

I believe hunters when they say that it is only the old and weak foxes that the hounds manage to catch. I have spent a long time thinking about it all and although I can't say that it is a nice way for a fox to be killed, I do think that it may be one of the quickest and therefore a better way than starvation, disease, wounding etc.

Traditionally it has been that farmers have invited the hunts on their land to help control the fox population. Their only other means of fox control has been shooting and maybe snaring ( I don't know if snaring is carried out, I'm just guessing)

I believe that statistics show (and I accept that figures can be misleading) that more foxes have been killed by shooting since the ban than ever before and their numbers are in serious decline.

I think that even if you took hunting out of the equation, there would still be a fox problem that would need dealing with, because farmers do not want foxes on their land because of the damage they cause. The only alternatives to hunting are shooting, poisoning and snaring, all of which are horrible.

It isn't the case that the farmers allow lots of foxes to breed just to give hunts something to chase, the hunts were just brought in to help manage the fox population.

As to digging out, it is something that I could never understand. I saw it as cruel and couldn't understand why if a fox had managed to get away, why it couldn't be left. It didn't seem 'sporting', for want of a better word.

In truth I still don't fully understand it but it seems that it is the landowner/farmer who says what he wants doing. Some farmers do not allow digging out, and some want the fox dispatched. The terriermen are providing a service, rather than digging out for their own amusement.

I would hate to see any animal die, but it doesn't mean that the reasons for killing an animal aren't valid.

You say you can't understand how I love my horse and dog but could enjoy watching other animals torn apart. I don't understand how some anti's can claim to be animal lovers when they have injured horses and dogs.

I utterly adore my animals and they come first. This is the same for a lot of us, pro's and anti's.

I have just realised that I have gone on rather long. I apologise especially if I have got things wrong, it is just my view. There are some really knowledgable people on here who would probably be able to explain things better than me.

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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What you hunters do makes people very angry. Don't be surprised and arrogant when people object to your behaviour.

What, following a man made trail across some rather nice country? Oh and having the nerve to wear traditional dress? Nearly all the time that is all that happens - so what is there to get angry about?


Well-Known Member
15 April 2009
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I appreciate your post, one of very few on here that is honest and not biased. I agree with all you say, foxes must be controled and yes the antis don't seem to be able to come with a viable solution. I'm sure the vast majority of people who go out hunting do so because they enjoy the day and not the kill. but can you ignore the killing part. I couldn't.
As for the knowledgable people on here it seems on both sides with knowledge comes arrogance. I've read these threads for a couple of weeks now and the only person speaking any sense seems to be hebegebe and yet as well as being as mad as a fruit cake he can be quite rude to the antis.


Well-Known Member
11 March 2009
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I am rather saddened reading the hunting part of the HORSE AND HOUND forum, to find posts from the annoying idiots that worm their way out of rocks to attempt to ruin hunts (and not successfully I may add - he he he). As this is a magazine of hunting origins I find it difficult to understand why these numpties are allowed to post - I understand freedom of speech but surely there is a nice fluffy forum they can spread their venom elsewhere. My father is a Field Master in a hunt in Wales - it was featured in a programme The Hunt and they were recently in Horse and Hound. Hunting always has been and I certainly plan it to always be a part of my life. My 6 year old daughter is keen to follow as well!!

I just wanted to add my piece as pro hunting as there appears to be an awful lot of anti.......Fight the Ban!!!

Excuse me but if you do not like discussion do not post on OUR forum! This forum belongs to all of us. We are all members and the majority of members do not post in support of hunting! Dont like it? Then go away please and stop posting threads designed to solely inflame or you will be reported in future!:eek:))


Well-Known Member
2 December 2008
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Scrathline you seem a little bit obsessed with reporting ppl...surely a bit of an argue ent on a public forum isnt worth running to the admins about.
she is just expressing her opinion and id say if you made a poll on who wants to keep the anti trolls(i dont have an issue with antis who express there opinion in a non-troll like manner) you'll find a lot of ppl would vote to be rid of ye all....


Well-Known Member
8 February 2009
In the Valleys, oh what's occuring..
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Aru - I applaude you. And oh dear it does seem to have upset the anti's. What a shocker to post an opinion on a forum which I thought was available for freedom of speech.........but I must say it has been jolly good fun - Tally ho........


Well-Known Member
11 March 2009
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Scrathline you seem a little bit obsessed with reporting ppl...surely a bit of an argue ent on a public forum isnt worth running to the admins about.
she is just expressing her opinion and id say if you made a poll on who wants to keep the anti trolls(i dont have an issue with antis who express there opinion in a non-troll like manner) you'll find a lot of ppl would vote to be rid of ye all....

Once I have reported???????! PMSL at you!


Well-Known Member
11 March 2009
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Scratchline - are you calling me a ho?? Now that is something that should be reported - best get on it as it seems to be your 'thing'.

Dont play silly games with me please :eek:) Admin would laugh at you knowing I didnt call you anything!