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Hello All 
Please let me explain a little. I have a friend who's severely disabled, and in constant pain. Her neighbours have built a stable etc in their garden
, and my friend's health condition means she now cannot have use of her own garden
. I can't really think of a meaner, more selfish thing to do to someone, ie, come along with your horse, devalue someone else's property and ruin their life - I'd like your opinions, please?? Are all 'horsey' people this selfish? - I'd like to know.
My friend is now faced with the likelihood of having the upheaval of having to move house, which personally I don't consider very fair, as it's the last thing she needs. The local council are completely on the side of the horse-owner, and have basically let them get away with murder, and continue to do so. They ain't bothered about someone with major health problems
I'd welcome some opinions please - I want to know what other 'horsey' people reckon. I'd be interested to see what responses I get, coz that will tell me what 'horsey' people are generally like
. Are these selfish next-door neighbours 'unusual', or is this quite normal 'horsey people' behaviour? 
Thanks a lot everyone, look forward to hearing from you!
Please let me explain a little. I have a friend who's severely disabled, and in constant pain. Her neighbours have built a stable etc in their garden
My friend is now faced with the likelihood of having the upheaval of having to move house, which personally I don't consider very fair, as it's the last thing she needs. The local council are completely on the side of the horse-owner, and have basically let them get away with murder, and continue to do so. They ain't bothered about someone with major health problems
I'd welcome some opinions please - I want to know what other 'horsey' people reckon. I'd be interested to see what responses I get, coz that will tell me what 'horsey' people are generally like
Thanks a lot everyone, look forward to hearing from you!