Should i go hunting?


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
North Yorkshire
Hello. I've not posted in here before, so any advice would be very well recieved!

Firstly, i have never been hunting before, and nither has my 5 yr old horse. We live between york and tadcaster, but am unsure of the best hunt for us to contact; York and Ainsty South or North, Badsworth & Braham Moor etc. and which would be the most forgiving for new comers? Both with regard to the jumps (i'm a bit of a wimp!) and the other hunt members.

Are you expected to stay out all day? Or is it ok to just do a couple of hours and then go home?

Obviously i would try my best to hang back i.e. lurk, at the back of the field, but what if my horse gets strong and gets up near the front- i would be mortified if we were requested not to return! :eek:

Also, do you think it would be best for us to go out during the week- because it may be quieter, or are weekday meets reserved for the hardcore experenced followers! :)

Can anyone reasure me, offer any advice or share their first time experiences? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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If you want to go then go. Best thing is to contact the seceratary of the hunts & they will tell you wish day will be best. 99% of jumps will have a why around them if you do not want to jump. Mid week generally has less people out so could be a quiter option. There should be some newcomers days coming up soon to to introduce first timers to hunting. I would pop a green ribbon in your horses tail. & if you see any hounds near-by always point your horses head at them to stop any chance of them kicking a hound because then you may well get sent home & that goes for anyone even seasoned hunters! But most of all enjoy yourself!


Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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yerrrr go you will enjoy and my horse went last year 1st time for the both of us we only lasted 10 minutes it totaly blew my horses head going from a quite happy hacker to somthing galloping up the road with her head between her knees and going around corners on 2 legs hence why we lasted 10 mins but i wouldnt have missed it for the world tally ho lol


Well-Known Member
27 September 2001
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I agree with Huntress always ring the kennels when you are new out to hunting then they will look out and after you.I would go but you have left it a bit late open meet in about a week try and get out in the week when its quiter your second time might be a bit more crazy as they get excited then hopefully they calm down every horse different you will have to juge it, good luck.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2004
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GO FOR IT I decided for sure last night I wanted to go for the first time. Rang the local secretary wow he was so friendly and helpful. I am going to the last cubbing meeting on Saturday and then to a newcomers meet on Thursday.

I am not a young brave person either just gone into the 40+ bracket

I told him I was a little worried may lad may take off and over take everyone, he laughed and said not too worry it happens and as long as you apologise then not too worry

His advise for a newcomer if you did not want to go too fast was too stay by families with children. When you have had enough just let someone know and go home

I must admit to being both very excited and very nervous

Go have fun


Well-Known Member
11 January 2006
Worcs/Shrops border
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Go for it! Good advice to call the hunt secretary - they will point you in the right direction.
Cant offer any advice re: 1st time - I was hoping to go for the first time this season but ned was injured. Just about to start bringing him back into work so hopefully may be able to have a go before end of season!
Hope you have a great time and let us know how you get on :)


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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I always avoid children like the plague! They can't stop and use your horses bum as brakes and if your horse is leaping about you're terrified your going to land on them! :shocked:

Avoid the pointers, too! :D

Stick to the overweight gentleman famer for am quiet day out, and he'll know all the country!! :p


Well-Known Member
22 March 2006
near Swansea
Ive got my first hunt with my youngster tomorrow, he was only broken in the summer and is only 12.2hh im a bit tall for him but only weigh 8st (hope it will all go ok)
Ive only been hunting once (the 19th of feb (1st hunt after the ban)) and it was on a brilliant mare who looked after me, im only going out for a little bit, going to let scrapps tell me when hes ready

Really nervous


Well-Known Member
20 June 2003
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Def go for it! I went on a 'mock' hunt a couple of weekends ago with my 5 yr old TB who is Mr laid back happy hacker and it was the best thing we have ever done! I've never been before either but the hunt will make you feel welcome and let them know that you are a 'novice'. I don't realy like jumping and there were options on all the fences but by the end of the afternoon we were jumping things I'd never have done at home. Given us both the confidence to do it again. So much so, I am going to the opening meet next weekend. Advise for you - relax adn enjoy - its GREAT Fun (had a permanent grin on my face for about 3 days( and for you gee - well, make sure he's clipped as he'll sweat like a maniac and try and give him some electrolytes a few days before and a few days after the hunt and also have some bran at home for a nice bran mash that night. You'll be surprised how wound up they cna get.....


Well-Known Member
15 September 2006
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Go for it, unless you try you will never know!! I have to say though that I usually find more dangerous at the back because this is usually where the problems are due to naughty horses and/or less confident people. At the front to middle you will get those that will not slam the brakes on in front of you and will be able to give you a good lead, the last thing you need is to follow horse after horse that stops.

All in all be positive and if in doubt KLF (Kick Like F**k) sorry if that offends anyone


Well-Known Member
24 August 2005
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Y&A are probably closest to you, however BBMH are very friendly and welcoming, know quite a few people who hunt with them and love it there, I'm going out with them this season.