Shouldn't be but a little bit annoyed....


Well-Known Member
31 July 2009
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Couple of weeks ago I emailed our local hunt (as I always do out of courtesy) to see if it was alright for me to ride with them on Boxing Day as I have done for the last several years, except last year obviously. I said I had plenty of experience and my horse has hunted with them, blood and Drag hounds. I also enquired how much the cap was so had the right money. Well, today I get an email asking: I'm not a subscriber as they don't have me on their database so why am i not a subscriber ? . Who have I hunted with ? Where do I live and who do I know that subscribes ?. I replied that as I work 6 days a week with Sunday being my only day off it's not financially viable as my horse is not purely a hunter. I don't know any subscribers though I guarantee I'll know plenty of people there. Why does it matter where I live ? (didn't put that) I feel like saying I'll go to another meet but this ones such a lovely meet and the other hunt staff are fantastic. I would just like to add this is a new secretary and also how many other people will just turn up without asking permission ? Mini-tantrum over !


Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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Couple of weeks ago I emailed our local hunt (as I always do out of courtesy) to see if it was alright for me to ride with them on Boxing Day as I have done for the last several years, except last year obviously. I said I had plenty of experience and my horse has hunted with them, blood and Drag hounds. I also enquired how much the cap was so had the right money. Well, today I get an email asking: I'm not a subscriber as they don't have me on their database so why am i not a subscriber ? . Who have I hunted with ? Where do I live and who do I know that subscribes ?. I replied that as I work 6 days a week with Sunday being my only day off it's not financially viable as my horse is not purely a hunter. I don't know any subscribers though I guarantee I'll know plenty of people there. Why does it matter where I live ? (didn't put that) I feel like saying I'll go to another meet but this ones such a lovely meet and the other hunt staff are fantastic. I would just like to add this is a new secretary and also how many other people will just turn up without asking permission ? Mini-tantrum over !

I can only give you some information from my own experience; Boxing day is one of the days that a many people wish to book in for. Hunts will give first preference to members, suscribers, with landowners and those that help with the hunt being included and then those that hunt occasionly but who are known to the hunt.

Also many hunts are feeling the brunt of the economic downturn so trying to bring in subscriptions from those who actively and also that have previously hunted with them but wish to do so again.

Hunts have different rates for visitors depending if they are from the local area or further afield with those from other areas / abroad paying a premium. Those that turn up without permission may very well get turned away especially if their is a limit on numbers but to be honest turning up without being correctly booked in is generaly not an option in most hunts.

It may be just a case of communication gone wrong but I would perhaps contact them again and ask what the options for subscription / day ticket etc are?


Well-Known Member
31 July 2009
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Totally agree which is why I emailed them to check / ask permission. I know half a dozen people that will just turn up on the day and expect a days hunting. I answered all her questions so let's just hope she doesn't take another ten days to answer that one as well !


Well-Known Member
18 July 2007
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I've had people ringing me on Christmas Day asking about hunting on Boxing Day so I'd be delighted if someone emailed weeks in advance! :)


Well-Known Member
19 March 2009
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You answered your own question: she is a new secretary, so she is just trying to do her job, finding out who people are, etc.

Many hunts ask people for "bona fides" in order to avoid sending meet information to antis as muich as possible. It's part of the world we live in, I'm afraid. Bear with it...


Well-Known Member
31 July 2009
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Thing is Herne I have dealings with this person on a regular basis as they run a competition centre that I compete at quite often. I was just in a grumpy mood last night and her email pee'd me off - on my phone so can't do' I'm a stroppy cow' smiley !

Stark Dismay

Well-Known Member
29 October 2011
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Carefreegirl, you sound a bit put out that a hunt would want to protect themselves and prioritise their premium days for their members and regulars. Anyone who turns up without asking will definitely not endear themselves to the hunt - it is just rude. And while you have done the right thing by asking, it is not a given that the answer will be the one you want to hear.

It is the same in many sports where the numbers sometimes have to be restricted. The greater the commitment you show, the more likely you are to be welcome. I appreciate your job means you cannot go regularly, but getting cross about it isn't going to change things for the better.

As for the secretary asking you questions - it's her job. You sound as though you understand the role of the secretary very well.


Well-Known Member
19 March 2009
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Thing is Herne I have dealings with this person on a regular basis as they run a competition centre that I compete at quite often. I was just in a grumpy mood last night and her email pee'd me off - on my phone so can't do' I'm a stroppy cow' smiley !

Happens to us all... :)


Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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when I first enquired to our hunt secretary they had to verify I wasnt a hunt sab - they took my details, looked me up on the web, spoke to someone I had named to check that I was who I said I was etc.

This was purely to protect themselves - nothing personal - it was a bit like the spanish inquisition but quite funny at the same time !!


Well-Known Member
28 November 2011
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I had to do the same recently when I asked the next door hunt for meet dates! Had to explain who I was, who I worked for et al, and they're only next door neighbours on Bailys Map!


Well-Known Member
5 December 2011
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My daughter has this sort of thing - she hunts regularly with her local but on the odd occasion likes to go out with the neighbouring hunt with other friends, if you aren't a subscriber with them they only allow you to hunt if you have a "sponsor" who says they know you and that you are capable etc rather than just your word being taken for.