Show class for my mare?


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3 May 2014
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I really struggle putting Tia in to classes. She is 19 (Does do Veteran) and a Cob.
However, if we put her in a Cob/Cob Type class she never places. Then, if she's up against all the other posh show horses she rarely places.

A judge once said 'She's an odd one really. She is too fine boned to be with the other Cobs, but too heavy to be with the other Show hack types'

Anyway, here is a picture (I hope!)

This was in the ridden veterans.

What class would you suggest? She does jump 2ft6" to 2ft9" but has jumped 3ft2" before with me.

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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Sweet looking pony but as you have discovered not really of show type, it is not possible for every horse or pony to fit into a class, many such as yours are just not anything specific so are difficult to judge, it is not a criticism just a fact.
I would stick with the veterans, even if she does not fit into a type but looks well she may get placed if the judge likes the way she is presented in the ring, there are the fun classes such as family pony, PC/RC pony, handy pony, as she jumps you could try doing a working class, turn her and yourself out as well as possible and enjoy your days out knowing you have a great pony even if the judge does not place her as high as you would like.

She looks to go rather on her forehand so work on improving that, if you could use a double or pelham it would enhance her way of going and may help move you up the placings, get some brown gloves, the black ones are not correct and do not look smart and if you can invest in a green/ brown tweed jacket it would look smarter than the blue, brown tack would be better but that is probably a step too far for just a few local shows.


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11 December 2009
South West Scotland
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If it's local level/riding club enter coloured classes, riding club horse and if she enjoys jumping give a working hunter a bash, there are all shapes and sizes compete WH.

Judges say she's too fine boned for cob but too heavy for show hack go for a small hunter class and see what feedback you get, I see you have her plaited so she's not hogged, most importantly have fun & good luck. she looks great for 19 btw!