Show Ring Camp Report


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27 April 2010
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On a sunny Sunday two weeks ago Ralph and I (along with the best behaved of my JRTs – Doris) headed off to Keysoe for the 4 day Show Ring Camp.

Ralph is only 5 and a proper baby having only been broken last year and only been to 2 shows so it was a bit overwhelming for him at first having to stay away from home in a strange stable when he has been used to living out 24/7 for a few months but he grew up so much in those 4 days, I am so proud of him.

Sunday evening was just a nice get together and a few glasses of wine with Pootleperkin from here before an early night ready for the rest of the week.

We didn't have a lesson until Monday afternoon so in the morning we went for a hack around the amazing xc course with Pootleperkin and her lovely horse Gully. Ralph thought Gully was great and followed him into the water jump, the first time he has ever seen anything like that so I was so pleased that he was trotting and cantering through by the end.

Monday afternoon had a lesson with Ginny Oakley. No pictures from Ginny's lesson as he never really settled, the banners and cafe were far too scary and he was unsettled in his mouth which often happens when he is nervous. Ginny suggested I try a straight bar bit rather than the NS starter bit he is in now so will give that a try when I get hold of one. She is however a super teacher and had a great thigh squeeze tip for slowing down which really works. It definitely uses muscles I don't usually use as I was stiff on Thursday!

Tuesday we had to present the horse as though going to a show so bathed and plaited in the morning and got dressed up in our gear, it was beautiful hot weather so we were able to take our jackets off after the initial inspection but we were both exhausted after two lessons but by the end of the day he was going much better, a few pictures from our lesson with Chris Lawton looking tense at first but better by the end I think, all pictures purchased and with full permission to post from GBDB Photography, thanks Pete!;-





Quick half hour to relax and then back for a lesson with David Bartram who got on him in our lesson which is the first time he has been ridden by anyone other than me and my sister. He can be a bit nervous of men sometimes so I wasn't surprised when David said that he felt he was scared of him and wouldn't go for him. He is normally really forward but he practically wouldn’t move! Lots of practice needed with other riders and especially men to get him ready for ride judges. A few photos from my session with David, one showing the dreaded tongue which he loves to stick out;-



Wednesday we had our first ever go at jumping in the working hunter sessions with both David and Chris.

As you can see from the photos jumps are scary and you need to jump really BIG over them! At one point he overjumped and bucked afterwards which I think scared us both so we had a bit of a job getting him going again but with the help of the instructors who were incredibly patient and determined we managed it.



Thursday we could choose between flat, jumping or side saddle. I had said I would jump but after the previous day I wasn't overly keen on jumping again as I was worried about holding the group back if we couldn't get over anything easily. However everyone reassured me and I'm so glad they did as we were jumping over a little course by the end of the lesson! So pleased with him!

So lots to work on but had a really great time, had lots of laughs (and wine!), met some lovely people and horses and it has done Ralph the world of good.


Well-Known Member
2 August 2010
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Lovely report, sounds like you made loads of progress. Love the pictures when he is done for showing, very smart.


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
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Super smart horse - what do you show him as?