showing advice please xxx


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12 October 2009
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I did a local showing class with my mare and I've been told although the riding was good my "show" let me down. In a ridden hunter what should I do? I'm normally a dressage person ( I was told this was very obvious )

I walked away. Trotted to the judge. Circled in trot then centered in a circle and then Sam for other leg. Rein back to finish . Salute.

What would people suggest x


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9 July 2008
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Ok for ridden hunter you need walk away, pick up trot ,start figure of eight, as you change the rein canter,change again but bring back to trot, then you need to finish on a long side in-front of the judge with a gallop,pull up straight away back to halt sideways on to the judge not facing and nod. You dont do rein backs in a hunter class, or walk to canter or flying changes, it needs to be short and sweet and perfectly executed and flowing, a really good gallop is essential in a hunter class.


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25 November 2011
South Africa
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Ok for ridden hunter you need walk away, pick up trot ,start figure of eight, as you change the rein canter,change again but bring back to trot, then you need to finish on a long side in-front of the judge with a gallop,pull up straight away back to halt sideways on to the judge not facing and nod. You dont do rein backs in a hunter class, or walk to canter or flying changes, it needs to be short and sweet and perfectly executed and flowing, a really good gallop is essential in a hunter class.

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It seems that you'd be a bit better in the hack classes (Show Hack, SHow Riding Horse) and if your horse is the dressagie type, maybe he'd be better suited to it :). The criteria for showing classes (based on a horse's looks) are:

•The Show Hack should have excellent confirmation, be of a particular type with style and elegance. It should be beautifully trained, responsive and well mannered.
•The Show Hunter is more powerfully built with lots of bone. It should have a workmanlike feel, a good gallop and be fit enough to have the stamina to last a hard day’s hunting.
•The Show Riding Horse does not require the elegance of the hack or the substance of the Hunter but should be a lovely easy ride with solid confirmation.
•The Working Hunter is required to jump a course of fences, have a good gallop and have the stamina to last a hard day’s hunting.
•The Working Riding Horse should be obedient enough to perform various tasks with a good attitude and temperament.

I'm also very dressage and I do Simple Changes in all of my tests as well as a rein back at the end (I do the Show Hack and Show Riding Horse classes) and I feel that dressage is a advantage to the classes that I do :). Maybe reconsider your choice of showing classes if at all possible?

My horse sucked at hunter classes even though he has an AMAZING gallop simply because everything was too fancy. The hunter classes are all about "working" horses and practicality - not prancing around. My instructor always told me that the Hack horses are the kind you'd be proud to ride through a park while a Hunter horse should be something that you could imagine hunting with :p


Well-Known Member
9 July 2008
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QOC whilst I agree with your definitions of each class, a Hunter and a hack are a type of horse that are very different. Hacks in the Uk can not be above a certain height and Hunters are of a specific type and height. There are Smallhunters not to exceed 15.2hh and three weight hunters , Light ,middleweight and Heavy. You cant just stick a horse in Hack class because it does flying changes and rein-back,and is dressagey! There is far more to it. I have seen pictures of your "show" horses and as lovely as they are they are nothing like "Show" horses in the UK.


Well-Known Member
25 November 2011
South Africa
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QOC whilst I agree with your definitions of each class, a Hunter and a hack are a type of horse that are very different. Hacks in the Uk can not be above a certain height and Hunters are of a specific type and height. There are Smallhunters not to exceed 15.2hh and three weight hunters , Light ,middleweight and Heavy. You cant just stick a horse in Hack class because it does flying changes and rein-back,and is dressagey! There is far more to it. I have seen pictures of your "show" horses and as lovely as they are they are nothing like "Show" horses in the UK.

Thanx spottybotty but having seen some of the photos of the horses in the UK showing I'd beg to differ. However, you should keep in mind that my turn out for showing is completely different to how I would turn out my horse for dressage. And it's strange that you'd comment on my showing compared to that in the UK because at my last showing show (Champs for 2011) we were actually judged by a judge from the UK and placed 2nd :). So it's intresting that you'd say that.

I never said that a horse could switch between hunter and hack - I was merely inquiring if her horse may not have been better suited to the hack classes and that maybe the problem didn't come from her ridden test but rather from the horse not being a hunter at all. It was a suggestion, not in anyway a judgement


Well-Known Member
4 June 2008
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Show horses also need a have a good ground covering stride instead of a real collected canter. This is even more important in the hunters. HUnters need to be mannerly and forward going so you can enjoy a good days hunting. Spotty botty is dead right, a good gallop is essential, and a proper gallop where the horse lowers on its hocks and lengthens the stride, not just canter fast.

Riding horses are finer than hunters but more workman like than hacks so still have a very simple show including a gallop.

Hacks dont gallop. The trend this year seems to be canter serpentines with simple changes,extended trot and rein back. If you can master it, hacks are normally ridden one handed to show lightness in the hand and how mannerly they are but this should only be attempted if you can get it right or it looks sloppy.

All shows no matter what the type should be precise and to the point. Too long and the judge will get bored.

Do you have a photo of your horse?people could then suggest what type she/he is.