Showing- Riding a show!?Help please


Well-Known Member
12 September 2013
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Afternoon :)

So going to our local show sunday ( weather permitting :p) we dont get out as no transport so this is ideal as we can hack over.

Now i suffer from really bad nerves when i show and can never remember a show so advice please on the following:

how long should it be? someone said 2/3 minutes, i know walk, trot, canter, extend canter
any tips on riding a show?
what do you do in your show?
Also i have a horrible habit of going round on the wrong leg! :mad::( no problems in a school only when in an open field! *dumb question alert* please dont shot me down but how do i prevent this and i cant seem to tell when he is on the wrong leg which sounds really stupid from someone who has ridden for years :(:(:(:(

Thanks for any advice :)


Well-Known Member
18 November 2012
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This is what I do-

Walk out infront of judge , either walk or trot away from them, and if walking , pick up a trot and do a figure of 8 so you show both reins. If you're horse is good then even try some extended trot strides across the diagonal. Then pick up canter and do one long side and then change the rein with a trot in the centre. You can then do the same in the other rein or just extend the canter or gallop up the long side. Then come back to a controlled trot and depending where the judge is(!) either trot straight to them and halt and salute, or halt and salute elsewhere but facing them.

With regards to knowing which leg you are on then practise in the school having a look at your horse's shoulders while you're cantering and which ever one is further forward is the leading one. You'll then get to know by feel. Prevention is really only by schooling. Get your horse balanced and supple and bending correctly.
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Well-Known Member
12 September 2013
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Thanks holeymoley, horse is fab just rider gets nervous and lost!! Last time I got confused we did a flying change right in front of the judge and ended up winning class because she said is was fabulous!!! :-0


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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This is what I do-

Walk out infront of judge , either walk or trot away from them, and if walking , pick up a trot and do a figure of 8 so you show both reins. If you're horse is good then even try some extended trot strides across the diagonal. Then pick up canter and do one long side and then change the rein with a trot in the centre. You can then do the same in the other rein or just extend the canter or gallop up the long side. Then come back to a controlled trot and depending where the judge is(!) either trot straight to them and halt and salute, or halt and salute elsewhere but facing them.


Yes I agree with this - you MUST gallop one long side in a hunter class and must NOT gallop at all in the veteran class but Iwould extend the canter slightly to appease any judges who may be wrongfully looking for a gallop


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5 February 2008
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Generally the time looked at is around 1 1/2 minutes and one of the biggest mistakes inexperienced competitors do is to go on for too long! Before you go into the class have a look around the ring and if there is something you know your horse won't particularly like going near then adjust your show accordingly. The judge doesn't know where you are planning to go so you can tweak as you go if you need to. Good luck and enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
20 May 2010
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Having shown for twenty plus years doing a figure of eight in both trot and canter will put the Judge to sleep. Rember they have already seen your horse in all paces on the go round.
I walk away about five to ten steps then up to trot. Trot top corner then change diaganol pick up canter in corner. Change rein in trot picking up canter in opposite corner gallop along the long side coming back to trot. Halt and salute.
Check with show as hunter classes usually have a ride Judge.