

New User
22 May 2018
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Hi there fellow equestrians!
I just wanted some insight on how realistic it would be if I set my goal to start showjumping mid next year on my 16.2 loan ISHx. I’m 14 (will be 15) relatively athletic and have been riding for 5 years. I’m decent at riding and have jumped around 90/1M before, however currently I don’t have access to a school most of the time, nor do I have lots of money to spend on showjumping gear - my horse doesn’t even have matching tack! Basically, what I need to know is; wether it would actually be possible for me to compete next year. Obviously you can’t see my riding (not comfortable posting anything just yet) - but do I need to get a job in order to pay for breeches, show shirt and a jacket? Is around 7 months enough time to get my horse and I up to a standard at which we can compete (even at a low level) without an area? Sorry it’s very wordy and not well articulated but I hope you can see what I’m getting and and I’d really love some insight on this.

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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You don't need to have daily access to facilities to train, the best investment would be to have a few lessons and see how you progress, as an instructor I would expect to be able to get a client out to a few clear rounds and possibly more fairly quickly if the horse is cooperative and has the basics well established, one lesson could well be at the competition to 'hold the riders hand' this will cost you some money but it will be of far more benefit than having the right kit:)

You do not need matching tack, I have competed regularly with mismatched tack, it just needs to be clean and fit properly, a tidy horse and rider can go SJ with very little out lay on gear, so get saving and spend on the lessons keeping an eye out for second hand riding clothes you can buy when you need them.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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does your horse like jumping? does she take you into a jump? lots of practice at home, make your own coloured poles if your yard has none

you really need to work on your flat work, before going to shows, and practice your eye on riding a good route during a round, and how to pick a good route for the horse, ie, does she need to go the long way round to start with so you. arrive at the jumps straight

you can hire surfaces indoors with sets of coloured jumps and just practice and let her have fun, aim to do clear rounds to start with.

there is loads of stuff for sale secondhand, boots jackets, jods, shirts, no need to spend loads, and christmas!, when asked what you want ask for money, then buy second hand and keep the change for a lesson or arena hire, entry fees etc, a little job is a great idea, you will need money for food and drinks at shows, and to buy things on tack stalls!

have fun


Well-Known Member
6 December 2009
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Don’t think I’ve ever competed in matching tack, just go with the bridle they like and the saddle that fits and you’re off.

I rarely jump at home, but I have a lot of lessons and do a lot of training rounds/clear round/arena hires