Trish C
Well-Known Member
I was just watching in fascination as Monty Roberts proclaimed 'single line lunging' as the "second worse" display of horsemanship you can use. (Backstage Pass, episode 4 - available to watch online here - be sure to click to ep 4)
In a nutshell, if you don't want to watch the program, he claims that single line lunging causes a horse to bend 'the wrong way' thus causing all sorts of physical problems. He used a horse which had these problems in his demo.
His answer - side reins. He used them at first evenly and showed a more even line of the spine, then gradually adjusted them to bring a more 'firm' contact and introduce a stronger contact down the inside than outside eventually, from what I can figure, having the inside one four 'notches' shorter than the outside one.
I was fascinated by this... I do lunge using side reins occasionally, but I also lunge with a single line just off a headcollar, with two lines, in full tack, in a roller - essentially I vary my lunging as much as I vary my riding and I've found it's working brilliantly with my boy. So I have my own views on the subject, but am very interested to hear everyone else's take on it.
In a nutshell, if you don't want to watch the program, he claims that single line lunging causes a horse to bend 'the wrong way' thus causing all sorts of physical problems. He used a horse which had these problems in his demo.
His answer - side reins. He used them at first evenly and showed a more even line of the spine, then gradually adjusted them to bring a more 'firm' contact and introduce a stronger contact down the inside than outside eventually, from what I can figure, having the inside one four 'notches' shorter than the outside one.
I was fascinated by this... I do lunge using side reins occasionally, but I also lunge with a single line just off a headcollar, with two lines, in full tack, in a roller - essentially I vary my lunging as much as I vary my riding and I've found it's working brilliantly with my boy. So I have my own views on the subject, but am very interested to hear everyone else's take on it.